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Articles 101 - 110 of 438 for Talks

The Church Is A Family

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

It should not be surprising that the church of God is structured on the same principles as the family unit. Almost all the benefits and challenges of a family are also part of church life. The Bible offers some wonderful insight.

A Tale Of Two Kings

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The differences between King Saul and King David can teach us a lot about ourselves. Having good intentions and actually performing them require different approaches. Thus, the salvation and overcoming message in the bible, teaches us how to make better spiritual choices, because it shows us how to think, then how to act.

Robes Of Righteousness

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Many people get confused over the method and principles by which God saves his people from their human shortcomings and sins. We are not subject to a balance sheet of good verses evil every week to see if we are passing or failing. Just as our clothing covers our nakedness, the indwelling Holy Spirit, covers our spiritual on an ongoing manner. Thus, Jesus not only protects us from the powers of sin and temptation, but from the penalty of such weakness... every minute of the day.

Water And Fire

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The world is on the brink of a disaster that will eliminate almost all forms of human and animal life. This is the second time that the bible has recorded such far reaching disasters... the first time was the great flood and the next and soon to come calamity relates to the fiery death for almost all forms of life. God had Noah build an ark to save those who believed the prophecy of the coming flood and Jesus Christ is building another ark... called the church; which will also deliver those who prepare for the coming fire. Both destructive judgements are the result of human rebellion against the principles of God.

God Doesn't Forget

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Our memory is a very unreliable keeper of the truth. Due to a variety of reasons we forget things... we forget facts and truths. When something is forgotten, then those memories are unable to be shared with others and that particular truth can be lost forever. Mankind has consistently forgotten the things that God has done for them; hence many are unaware of His promises. Just as the passing of time assists us to forget historical facts (allowing it to be rewritten); so to has mans potential relationship with God been distorted. God keeps us in touch with the truth through the continuous working of the Holy Spirit; always prompting us to offer the truth of Eternal Life to others. God's memory doesn't dim or change with the passing of time. Now that we are filled with His Spirit, we should never forget who we are, or what we stand for.

The Failure Of The Priesthood

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

This talk is part 2 of a series, part 1 being titled Chasing The Wrong Dream (18th October 2020). It is suggested that you listen to that talk first. This talk was delivered to the Fresno Fellowship on 29th October 2020. It is further noted that Pastor Brad also delivered this talk to the Brisbane Fellowship on 1st November 2020. There are slight differences in the talks but the notes are the same.

Chasing The Wrong Dream

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The whole world is losing its way very quickly. The people of the nations are struggling to find significance in their beliefs, their values and their reason for existing. The continuous undermining of God given ethics and human respect, is now turning everything on its head.

The Basics Of Speaking In Tongues

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The first thing that we need to observe is that God chose tongues as a sign and also designed their spiritual usage. God has given us plenty of details and directions, to work out everything we need to know about tongues. Good doctrine needs to be established by the sound use of scripture... not by feelings or personal beliefs.

When Proof Isn't Enough

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Sadly, most people don't care about evidence; all they want is someone to agree with their world view. Believing in God is not the same as obeying God... sticking to beliefs that are doctrinally weak, or denying scriptural signs, will fail those seeking eternal life. God has always offered scriptural support and backed it up with evidence. The choices we make in faith, determine the opportunities God can work with.

Turning Failure Into Great Comfort

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The Bible is full of faithful people who despite moments of weakness and failure, were able to provide great blessings for God's people. Some have provided far more blessing than they thought possible, perhaps even more than we yet realise. The gained comforts from the following acts of faith are far greater than even they could have imagined. All these blessings have come out of tribulation, despair or weakness. Consider it a great joy to fall into tribulation, because all the great blessings have come out of such trials..

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