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Wednesday, October 23 2024
from the Brisbane Revival Fellowship

Pray for the pastor and all those who offer leadership.

Only 70 days to the year 2025

Scripture Of The Day

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. John 3:5.

Read The Bible In a Year

Jeremiah 1-2; 1 Timothy 3.

Thoughts For The Day

If you don't have a dream, how are you going to make a dream come true?

Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.

All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them.

Motivation For The Day

Religion is man's quest for God; the Gospel is God's quest for men... God has it right.

On This Day

4004BC  - The day God created Adam -according to Archbishop James Usher, a 17th century Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University. Although there are 14 conflicting versions of the date, Usher's is the only one matching the chronology of the authorised version of the bible.
0042BC - Brutus, whose army is crushed by Anthony and Octavian at Philippi, commits suicide in Rome by falling on his own sword.
1923 -  US patent is issued to American inventor Sebastian Hinton for playground climbing structure popularly known as 'monkey bars' .
1933 - World WarII, the start of the decisive battle of El Alemein between Allied forces commanded by British Field Marshall Montgomery and the German and Italian North African armies commanded by Field Marshall Rommel. The Allies gain a significant victory at the end of 16 days' fighting.
1946 - The United Nations holds its first General Assembly in New York.
1970 - Gary Gabelich sets auto speed record 622.4 mph (1,001 kph).
1972 - Access credit cards introduced in Great Britain.
1981 - US national debt hits $1 trillion.
2001 - Apple announces the first iPod Player.
2004 - A powerful earthquake and its aftershocks hit Niigata prefecture, northern Japan, killing 35 people, injuring 2,200, and leaving 85,000 homeless or evacuated.
2011 - A powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Van Province, Turkey, killing 582 people and injuring thousands.
2018 - World's oldest intact shipwreck, ancient Greek vessel 2,400 years old, found at bottom of the Black Sea by archaeologists.
2023 - 'Superfog' conditions near New Orleans cause a motorway pile-up involving 158 vehicles, causing seven deaths.

Personal Story Of The Day

Cash In On This

Did you know that Jesus taught about money just as much as heaven or hell?   Why? "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" (Mat 6:21). 
He taught that money was not a goal, but an instrument. If handled properly, money can:
1. Strengthen your trust in God (Mal 3:10-12 / Mat 6:32,33)
2. Prove your faithfulness (Luke 16:11)
3. Demonstrate His power over natural circumstances (Phil 4:19)
4. Unite believers through similar blessings (2Cor 8:14,15)
5. Open the door for God's direction in your life (Isa 58:10,11)
6. Even reinforce God's love for you (Matt 7:11)

But how can you know when God is NOT in control of your finances?

1. You worry, or get frustrated about your money (Mat 6:25 /Phil 4:6,7)
2. Your money builds your ego (Jam 1:10,11)
3. Your money distracts you from the Truth (Mat 13:22)
4. You hoard your money (Luke 12:15-21)
5. You want to satisfy your every whim (I Tim 6:6-10)

"The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it."
(Prov 10:22).

May the Lord give you a trouble free-day, overflowing with common cents. 

Jokes Of The Day

A squad of American soldiers was patrolling along the Iraqi border. To their surprise, they found the badly mangled dead body of an Iraqi soldier in a ditch along the road.

A short distance up the road, they found a badly mangled American soldier in a ditch on the other side of the road, who was still barely alive. They ran to him, cradled his blood-covered head and asked him what had happened.

"Well," he whispered, "I was walking down this road, armed to the teeth. I came across this heavily armed Iraqi border guard. I looked him right in the eye and shouted, "Saddam Hussein is an unprincipled, lying piece of trash!" He looked me right in the eye and shouted back, "Bill Clinton is an unprincipled, lying piece of trash too!"

"We were standing there shaking hands when the truck hit us."


There was a young Irishman who volunteered for military service during World War II. He had such a high aptitude for aviation that he was sent right to Flight Centre skipping boot camp.

The very first day at Flight he solos and is the best flier on the base. All they could do was give him his gold wings and assign him immediately to an aircraft carrier in the Pacific.

On his first day aboard he took off and single-handedly shot down 6 Japanese Zeroes. Then climbing up to 20,000 ft., he found 9 more Japanese planes and shot them all down, too. Noting that his fuel was getting low, he descended, circled the carrier and came in for a perfect landing on the deck. He threw back the canopy, climbed out and jogged over to the captain.

Saluting smartly he said, "Well sir, how did I do on my very first day?"

The captain turned around, bowed, and replied, "You make one velly impoltant mistake!"


These are entries from the mechanics' logs of repairs done on airplanes:

Discrepancy: "Left inside main tire almost needs replacement."
Corrective Action: "Almost replaced left inside main tire."

Discrepancy: "Test flight OK, except autoland very rough."
Corrective Action: "Autoland not installed on this aircraft."

Problem #1: "#2 Propeller seeping prop fluid."
Solution #1: "#2 Propeller seepage normal."
Problem #2: "#1, #3, and #4 propellers lack normal seepage."

Discrepancy: "The autopilot doesn't."
Signed off: "IT DOES NOW."

Discrepancy: "Something loose in cockpit."
Corrective Action: "Something tightened in cockpit."

Discrepancy: "Evidence of hydraulic leak on right main landing gear."
Corrective Action: "Evidence removed."

Discrepancy: "Number three engine missing."
Corrective Action: "Engine found on right wing after brief search."

Discrepancy: "DME volume unbelievably loud."
Corrective Action: "Volume set to more believable level."

Discrepancy: Dead bugs on windshield.
Corrective Action: Live bugs on order.

Discrepancy: Autopilot in altitude hold mode produces a 200 fpm descent.
Corrective Action: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.

Discrepancy: IFF inoperative.
Corrective Action: IFF inoperative in OFF mode.

Discrepancy: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.
Corrective Action: That's what they're there for.


Riddle Of The Day

It starts out with four, if you cut one off 3 fall down and 5 remain. What is it ?

Answer to Yesterday's Riddle
You stand at a fork in the road. Next to each of the two forks, there stands a guard. You know the following things: 1. One path leads to Paradise, the other to Death. From where you stand, you cannot distinguish between the two paths. Worse, once you start down a path, you cannot turn back. 2. One of the two guards always tells the truth. The other guard always lies. Unfortunately, it is impossible for you to distinguish between the two guards. You have permission to ask one guard one question to ascertain which path leads to Paradise. Remember that you do not know which guard you're asking -- the truth-teller or the liar -- and that this single question determines whether you live or die. The question is: What one question asked of one guard guarantees that you are led onto the path to Paradise, regardless of which guard you happen to ask?
"If I asked the _other_ guard, which door would he indicate.

Devotional Thoughts Of The Day

Not Long Now

Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.  Psalm 2:8-9. References from Revelation 12.

In April  2022, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom celebrated her Platinum Jubilee... she has reigned as queen for 70 years. Flags and banners waved in celebration all over England, and observers noted a surge in national morale. Whatever challenges the royal family has faced in recent years, the national mood seemed to focus on what people appreciated in their long-ruling monarch.

Queen Elizabeth's many years on the throne of the United Kingdom may be impressive, but she was only keeping it warm for Christ, who will rule all the nations of the world forever (v5). This image of Jesus has its origin in our verse for today from Psalm 2, where we see the royal authority of the Messiah from the line of David, manifested in His rule of the nations with a rod of iron.

This rule of Christ means that God's Son will defeat all worldly enemies. They will be subject to Him, and no power will be able to come between Jesus and His people (Rom 8:37-39). Again, we see that the blood of the Lamb is the basis for His authority, His rule, and the victory over Satan (v10-11).

This passage in the final book in the Bible also fulfils God's promise made in the first book of the Bible. In Genesis 3, He promises that Christ will ultimately defeat Satan, and here we see the beginning of that final triumph. Satan is cast out of heaven... with even greater defeat to come at the hands of the Lamb.

We may not always be able to see God's hand working in our world, but we do have the assurance that no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes in Christ' (2 Cor 1:20). Christ began the defeat of Satan through His shed blood on the Cross, and He will one day destroy this ancient serpent called the devil, utterly.

Finally, what does the iron sceptre signify? This image in Revelation 12 directly refers to Psalm 2. It does not mean that Christs reign is brutal or cruel; rather, it pictures the complete control that He exercises over the nations. No one will be able to resist or challenge Him... not even the great dragon Satan. When we read the Book of Revelation, it may be tempting to think, 'Those things are so far away! How can it possibly affect me today?'

Christ's final triumph over Satan is still to come, but He has already begun the defeat. Through our trust in the work of Jesus Christ, we too can have victory over the temptations and snares of the devil. If you are struggling with a certain sin or weakness, confess it before the Lord and ask for His power and victory to become a reality in your life today. 

The Manger

And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Luke 2:12.

Everything great begins in a small way. Everything glorious seems insignificant to begin with. God is found in the details of life, and through them He does mighty things. A person who only sees details might miss the whole... the overall picture. A person who only sees the big picture misses out on all of life's nuances. We need to see the small in the great and the great in the small.

The greatest event of all began in a manger. A manger that undoubtedly smelled of manure. A manger that surely was cold, wet and uncomfortable. It was a place where the powerful of this world never would have come. It would have been below their dignity. 

But He who was to identify with all people of the world, from every age, every nation and every culture, was born in a manger. 

He was laid upon straw and hay. There was nothing beautiful there. There was no decorative touch and nothing aesthetically pleasing. It was not a place of choice; He was laid there because there was no room at the inn. No one had time for His arrival. No one focused on His birth. Yet, when the time was fulfilled, in God's time, God sent His Son under the law so that He could deliver those who were under the law and award them the rights of sons.

This mighty act of deliverance began in a manger. It began in such a humble way that it seems almost repulsive. It can be a stumbling block. Or it can be a cornerstone, a rock of salvation. What does it mean to you? 

Many were casual about this event; others knew nothing of it. Yet some fell to their knees and worshiped before Him. Let's remind ourselves of these very humble beginnings, because they are a true picture of our life before we received the Holy Spirit.

Facts Of The Day

Babies are born without knee caps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age.

The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat.


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First daily Post started on June 18... 2002

.... Brisbane Revival Fellowship


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Closing Thought

Lord, thank You for the wise words of others that help me be a better saint.

