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Sunday, July 28 2024
from the Brisbane Revival Fellowship

Who can you help today?

Only 157 days to the year 2025

Scripture Of The Day

He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth [very] friends. Proverbs 17:9.

Read The Bible In a Year

Psalms 46-48; Acts 28.

Thoughts For The Day

If you raise children with criticism they learn to be critical.

God wants us to bite off more than we can chew. Remember David's faithful acceptance of the Giant's challenge? He chose to see what God had said about the nation rather than fear for his mortal life.

The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them

Motivation For The Day

There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.

On This Day

1540 - King Henry VIII of England marries Catherine Howard - wife number five.
1586 - The first potatoes arrive in Britain - brought by explorer Sir Thomas Harriot from Colombia.
1858 - First use of fingerprints as a means of identification is made by Sir William James Herschel of the Indian Civil Service.
1900 - Hamburger created by Louis Lassing in Connecticut.
1942 - Nazis liquidate 10,000 Jews in Minsk Belorussia Ghetto.
1945 - "Elevator girl" Betty Lou Oliver survives falling 75 stories after fog causes a US bomber plane to crash into the Empire State Building, breaking the cables supporting the elevator she was operating. This remains a world record for the longest survived elevator fall.
1976 - Tangshan Earthquake, 8.2 in magnitude kills over 240,000 Northern China in the largest loss of life from an earthquake in the 20th century.
2022 - Final episodes of TV soap "Neighbours", after 37 years, screens in Australia.

Personal Story Of The Day

Inconvenient Opportunities

A suicidal woman stood on a bridge in Seattle for 3 hours ready to jump. The situation created such a colossal traffic jam that some motorists, caught in the delay, began to curse the woman and screamed at her to jump. She did... and she survived the 160-foot fall into a canal. 

Many residents later sent flowers and cards to her in the hospital, apologizing for what had happened. But some of the angry drivers phoned the local newspaper and blamed the woman for not choosing a less travelled place to end her life.

People with urgent needs seldom cross our lives at convenient times. Each situation demands immediate attention, often upsetting our preferred plans. Jesus was always mobbed by needy people as He walked from place to place, and we can learn from His response to them. When Jairus begged Him to come and heal his daughter, Jesus went with him (Mark 5:22-24). On the way, when a woman interrupted the procession, Jesus stopped and took the time to speak with and heal her (Mark 5:25-34).

Are we willing to reach out or to help out someone in need today? Like our Lord, do we have the compassion to bring help and healing to people who feel hopeless... when it is required? Let us remember, that many of the people we meet or come across in our daily travels... don't know that their Spirit needs saving. They are critically and terminally ill and need urgent attention.

Jokes Of The Day

There was a priest that loved to stream fish. One year there was a problem every time he had a chance to go fishing the weather was bad or it was on Sunday, when he had to work. All year he was unable to go. Finally it was the last week before the streams closed. 

The weather was bad all week until Sunday, when the weather was perfect. The priest could not resist, he called a fellow priest claiming to be very sick and asked if he could take over his sermon.

The fly-fishing priest drove over 200 miles, not wishing to see anyone he knew. An angel seeing the priest playing hooky went to God and said "You're not going to let him get away with this are you?". God agreed he should do something. The first cast the priest made was perfect. The fly floated past a log and a huge mouth gulped the fly down. 

For 45 minutes the priest ran up and down the stream fighting the mighty fish. At the end he held a 50" world record rainbow trout. Confused the angel asked God, "What are you doing?". God replied "Think about it, who's he going to tell?"


A man was leaving church one day. The Pastor was standing at the door (as he always is) to shake hands with members of the congregation. He grasped the man by the hand and pulled him aside. The Pastor said to him, 'You need to join the Army of the Lord!'

The man replied, 'I'm already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor.'

Pastor questioned, 'How come I don't see you except at Christmas and Easter?'

He whispered back, 'Shhhhhhhhh. I'm in the secret service.'


Fellow 1: "Now my grandfather, he knew the exact day of the year that he was going to die. It was the right year too. Not only that, but he knew what time he would die that day, and he was right about that, too."

Fellow 2: "Wow, that's incredible! How did he know all of that?"

Fellow 1: "A judge told him."


Riddle Of The Day

If you see a bird sitting on a twig, how could you get the twig without disturbing the bird?

Answer to Yesterday's Riddle
When is a yellow dog most likely to enter a house?
When the door is open.

Devotional Thoughts Of The Day

Reality Without Rudeness

Sometimes we tend to be too nice. When people are doing wrong, we are afraid to confront their behaviour, and we choose just to be nice. When a friend is slipping into a worldly lifestyle or a relative is drinking too much, we ignore the situations and do not confront them. When an unsaved workmate is trusting in good works for eternal life, we remain silent about the power of the Holy Ghost. But believers should not compromise obedience to God's Word just to be nice.

A US Supreme Court Justice said that "in the effort to be civil in conduct, many who know better actually dilute [their] firmly held views to avoid appearing judgmental. They curb their tongues, not only in form but also in substance. This is not civility, it is cowardice. Or well-intentioned self-deception at best."

In Matthew 9, Jesus wasn't concerned about being nice. He looked the Jewish teachers of the law in the eye and said, "Why do you think evil in your hearts?" (v4). Nor was He worried about being civil when He called the Pharisees "whitewashed tombs... full of dead men's bones" (23:27). He courageously confronted them and exposed their sin.

Sometimes being nice isn't nice.

The Gifts of Healing

To another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:9.

In this passage the word 'gifts' is written in plural while all the other gifts of the Spirit are expressed in singular. healing has a double role to play in our lives. If we consider that forgiveness is a form of healing as well, we can see that healing has spiritual and natural applications. Jesus often forgave people their sins as well as healing their bodies. He healed every sickness and every disease (Matthew 9:35). 

He always had time for those who were sick. Never was a sick person pushed aside. Never did a sick person hear that Jesus would not or could not heal him. The Spirit of the Lord worked through Him without limitation. Jesus had the Spirit beyond measure.

We have received a portion of God's Spirit, and through the gifts of healing, this same Spirit can move in a most wonderful way. Therefore, we are always to pray for sick people. The Bible never once says that we should not pray for the sick. On the contrary, it says we should pray for the sick or, to use Jesus' words, Heal the sick (Matthew 10:8). We cannot dominate the gifts of the Spirit, but we can be open and eager to have them operating in our lives. 

We should always pray for the sick whether we see a manifestation of the Sprit or not. The gifts will function if we use our faith and are expectant. The gifts of healing can have a variety of outcomes. Sometimes certain diseases are immediately healed. Sometimes it seems like some are better able to deal with certain diseases. It is impossible to fully explain why this is so. 

'The wind blows where it wills, and so it is with all who are born of the Spirit'. What is important is that the Spirit wants to heal people. We must be sensitive to the Spirit so we can follow Him and He can use us.

Facts Of The Day

The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum.

Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older.


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First daily Post started on June 18... 2002

.... Brisbane Revival Fellowship


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Closing Thought

The picture of health requires a happy frame of mind.

