Death And Hell - Short - Part A and B
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Death And Hell. Part - A. One of the common mistakes made when trying to interpret the Bible, comes from overlooking the most basic rule of study... comparing scriptures with themselves. The concept of eternal punishing after judgement, is strangely missing from every prominent Old Testament reference. It is very hard to imagine why God would not warn Adam and Eve and numerous other key players in their times right up to Christ, that death would include eternal torment filled with unrelenting pain and horror for all time... with no relief whatsoever. Adam was warned that he would surely die and that is exactly what happened. There is a huge difference between death (which is often quick and uneventful) compared to eternal torturous pain. Why would God hide, or disguise such a hideous result for thousand years, if such a terrible punishment were literally true? A YouTube link to the Part A uploaded video. Death And Hell. Part - B. God created the earth and all the various forms of life upon it... he created all the life cycles, all the majesty of perfect function and all the beauty and harmony they reveal. Likewise, God created and controls the spiritual world (he set the conditions for heaven, earth and for hell). Whatever happens to those that fail judgement(the vast majority of everyone ever born), is a choice that God has made, designed created and supported... thus it must reflect his nature. God is not stuck with laws that go against his will or choices... he designed them. A YouTube link to the Part B uploaded video. A PDF copy of the complete main article is available at: A MP3 audio of this talk is available at: A MP4 video is also available at:
Main Points On Death And Hell
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
These notes address the perceived scriptural differences relating to the nature of eternal death.. termed the 'second death'. For many people this is a great concern and needs a simple and honest answer. The two main beliefs are directly opposed to each other and need to be resolved for clarity and truth's sake. One belief is, that eternal death is to be in a state of torment and distress for eternity; the opposing view holds that eternal death is no different than normal death, where the soul loses consciousness, without thought, eternally.A simple disclaimer that... whatever we believe, right or wrong, God will do what he does despite our opinion. These notes are formulated with that principle in mind. That is why a greater effort to follow scriptural principle and details has been presented.* It is most important that we answer questions with clarity, clearly based on scriptural evidence.
Lamb Of God
By Pastor Arthur Marshman [Brisbane]
Delivered by Pastor Arthur Marshman on 26th January 2025. The apostle John had a special relationship with Jesus. He was the only apostle to reach an old age and he also looked after Mary, the mother of Jesus. It is no surprise that his gospel id full of spiritual treasures. In chapter one, he explains the meaning of God's creation and the treasure that is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. A PDF copy of the Powerpoint presentation is available at: A MP3 audio of this talk is available at: A MP4 video is also available at: A YouTube link to the uploaded video.
The Unforgivable Sin
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 19th January 2025. There are those who believe that certain sins are unforgivable. Others rightly identify sins that have very serious consequences, with many others giving certain sins more power than they actually hold. In light of these mixed beliefs, a few explanations are offered below. A MP3 audio of this talk is available at:// A MP4 video is available at: A YouTube link to the uploaded video.
Essential Miracles
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 12th January 2025. The Holy Spirit (supernatural power of God) has been the essential source of life from the very beginning. The first miracle enjoyed by mankind was the contents of the fruit from the tree of life... it made eternal possible due to the miraculous life forces it contained. After the fall of man, the Holy Spirit appears as 'fire' in nearly all scriptural observations. It interacts with water, being the two major principles of Spiritual life. The old/first deliverance of mankind which led to the first covenant was supported by the fire... the life saving power of God. And the YouTube link to the uploaded video.
By Pastor Arthur Marshman [Brisbane]
Delivered by Pastor Arthur Marshman on 5th January 2025. God's creation was made to be good; nature obeys his commandments and as a result it reflects God's creative power and goodness. Mankind on the other hand was created in God's image. They were given the ability to be creative beings themselves. Unlike God's natural creation, man has the ability to choose to disobey God's commandments. God's overwhelming desire is for all mankind to be reconciled to him. Jesus came to bridge the gulf between man and God. By receiving the Holy Spirit, individuals can be reconciled to God.
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 27th December 2024. One of the greatest causes of the problems we face is that we continually forget (overlook) simple truths. We become so engrossed with short term goals and needs, we tend to overlook far more important long-term requirements. One example of such actions happens very obviously within friendships and marriages. People overlook lifetime opportunities because of momentary disappointments and setbacks... disputes lead to arguments; bitterness sets in, and the relationship can be permanently destroyed. This is also true of those who serve God. We can be momentarily distracted by pressures or problems and before we know it, we stop serving God and his people. We forget the most basic of all truths... prayer, reading, fellowship, serving one another, tithes and offerings, etc. The plan God has for us is put on hold until we are motivated once again to walk in the true light of the gospel. The scriptures repeatedly remind us of such truths.
Children And God
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 15th December 2024. In many ways, God measures our relationship with him the same way that we should care for our children.
Rejecting The Rejectors
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 1st December 2024.There are thousands of claimed ways to enter the kingdom of God, but only one way offers God's evidence of biblically promised signs and wonders. Sadly, these are rejected by most Christians, Jews and Muslims alike. It is not new for 'religious' people to reject signs and wonders. They killed Jesus for the following reasons... jealousy, hatred, pride and ignorance. It is not surprising that all the ruling political and religious leaders of the day rejected Jesus' teaching and miracles... not much has changed today either.Jesus established himself by miracles... not religious arguments or philosophical debate. He also listed the miracles that would establish the true church up until his return. Despite all he did, they murdered him anyway. And the YouTube link to the uploaded video.
A Mouth Of Wisdom
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 8th November 2024. With the miraculous experience of being born again, we are provided with the anointing of the Holy Spirit with the outward sign of speaking in tongues.