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Articles 121 - 130 of 440 for Talks

Believe the Science

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

We are continually pressured to 'believe the science', even though many scientists disagree with each other. Quite often, the term 'science' is used when a political or religious outcome is desired. It would be more convincing to see the evidence than respond to an appeal to authority, which is a false and unproven argument.

When You Are Feeling Alone

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Loneliness (doubt, fear), is a perception we can all feel when our confidence drops below our spiritual reality. God has already offered a solution to this well known problem. HEB 13:5 Let your conversation (lifestyle) be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. This promise assures us that we can never be alone, regardless of our thinking. Jesus added another aspect which covers the same problem... JOH 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter,that he may abide with you for ever; The following examples reveal God's merciful nature across many examples of negativity that have been experienced by those who were called to serve him.

Raising The Dead

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

God has identified himself as much more than the powerful creator of the universe and the life in it. He has expressed an attitude towards the human race, that is common to humans themselves. He demonstrates love and care, concern and assistance; like any caring father or mother would do. His interest and regard for us is much more than that of any parent, because his capacity is far greater than ours. We cannot care for ourselves with the same certainty and authority that God offers. If the worst comes to the worst, God is capable of raising the dead. That is something we cannot do for our families. Yet, God now offers us the power to raise the dead.

When The Wheels Fall Off

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

'When the wheels fall off' originated from overloading, or abusing a work vehicle to the extent that it breaks down and is no longer useable. The west was built on the principles contained within the ten commandments, despite the weaknesses of humanity (a certain level of weakness and failure was already factored in to the system). However, as they have been further weakened, we have been overloaded and failures are appearing everywhere. It's the abuses of the principles that leads to failure, not the principles themselves. The bible reveals many of humanities worst failures thousands of years before they have finally come about.

A History of Isolation and Opportunity

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The Bible contains many stories of people who needed to go into lockdown to escape a variety of threats coming upon the earth. On all of these occasions, preparations and warnings were made to all people; offering everyone a way of escape. There was always a great need for God's people to listen carefully to his survival guidelines. Some obvious examples were Noah and the ark, the Passover when the tenth plague destroyed the first born, also the modern spirit filled church is a vessel of separation for escaping spiritual death.

Pharoah Challengs the Word of God

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

ife everlasting for Egypt's pharaohs (god-kings) was the sustaining principle of Egyptian civilisation. In an ancient religious text, a deceased king asks of the creator-god, "O Atum, what is my duration of life?" And the deity replies, "Though art destined for millions and millions of years, a lifetime of millions."To supply their necessities for a lifetime of millions, the kings designed tombs and mortuary temples that would last forever. A common understanding for tomb in fact meant "house of eternity." The people of Egypt willingly laboured to build these monuments for their dead rulers, believing that, as gods, the pharaoh had to be properly provided for and favoured.

The Church Is What You Make It

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Once we receive the Holy Spirit, everything changes. We are now part of God's kingdom and everyone has a spiritual responsibility. We all have a job to do which requires a completely different mindset than what we started with. The first question is... what does God want me to do; not how do I fit God into my list of priorities. Every person who makes up the spirit filled church is fully equipped to build it up and make it work better. 1COR 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. Our duty is to teach and encourage people to make Godly choices.

The Law of the Spirit - Part 2 Personal

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

God's spiritual laws are observable forces that can be tested and proven, like all the other laws in the universe. Spiritual Laws are usually ignored by the great majority, because there is no immediate or visible consequence for breaking them; even though there are immediate signs to obeying them. Spiritual laws are like natural laws; that which is true can be replicated and proven at will. Replication is important in science so scientists can "check their work." Unless the same result is produced consistently, it is unlikely to be accepted as factual. This is also true of the correct salvation message, as anything less is based on false doctrines.

The Law of the Spirit - Part 1 General

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

When we naturally obey a law (be it criminal, civil, scientific or moral), then we can be unaware of the effects of the law. But when we deliberately or inadvertently break a law, there can be serious consequences. Thus, it follows that the breaking of a law brings results that make the law (whether known or not), the dominant controller of our life at that time. Being ignorant of these laws doesn't alter the outcome... we are exposed to pain,failure and even death. These laws exist and have control over us whether we know them or not. Likewise, there is another law, more important than all of the above... Spiritual Laws are usually ignored by the great majority, because there is no immediate or visible consequence for breaking them.

The Intercessor

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The role of the intercessor is to petition God on the behalf of other people in prayer. The whole bible story, is a book of ongoing intercession on behalf of human failings and weaknesses by chosen people during troubling times. This principle is far more effective and numerous, than what we might originally think. Moses interceding after smashing the 10 commandment tablets in disgust. EXO 32:9 And the LORD said unto Moses, I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people: 10 Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation. 11 And Moses besought the LORD his God, and said, LORD, why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy people, which thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great power, and with a mighty hand? 12 Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people. People can be very frustrating, but we still support the ones that listen.

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