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Articles 131 - 140 of 431 for Talks

Shining in a Perverse Nation

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The Lord is well aware of every detail and aspect of human failures, that will lead the end of the world as we currently know it. He has made a way of escape for everyone who wants to live. The true Spirit filled Christian church is God's effective way of saving souls from the finality of death. PHI 2:15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.

Famous Mothers in the Bible

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

These notes relate to four famous mums from the bible and the major changes they made to the world.

The Best of Both Worlds

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Most people don't understand what the Holy Spirit is, nor what it offers. Terms like 'eternal life', 'salvation', etc., are lost to most people as they cannot relate to what is being said. It is usually the testimony of a spirit filled person that opens the eyes and minds of the hearer. Their real life experience reveals what these scriptural promises actually mean; being explained through their own experiences and miracles. God offers the unsaved a sign which comes with the infilling of the Spirit... speaking in tongues (also the primary form of spiritual communication with God). The Holy Spirit is God's personal power. It is able to enter our bodies and unites with our own spirit, magnifying all our abilities and opportunities. The bible teaches us how to develop these powers and skills and the best way to apply them to get results. Even though our bodies will die, our spirit is united with God who cannot die, thus eternal life is made possible for us.

Have You Got The LookV1.0

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Clothing fashions and trends are forever changing, with many feeling a great need to conform to the current, accepted style. Clothes can make a fashion statement, often needing to be updated, well before they wear out. For some, fashion and brand is more important than function, often being slaves to the designers and marketers. However, clothes still need to protect us, keep us insulated and also provide a modesty barrier. Another overlooked factor about our humanity is that we are spiritual beings as well as physical ones. Likewise, our spirit and personality also need to be 'clothed' in a safe and suitable way. God's Holy Spirit provides exactly the same function, but on a Spiritually permanent basis. Effective Christianity protects us from the effects of sin and death: the elements that are always present... thus the need for spiritual clothing.

The Final Regret

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The human race seems unable to face the reality that their soul and bodies are two separate entities, both needing specific conditions to keep alive. Most of their efforts are spent on natural needs and pleasures with very little thought given to the spiritual side of their life. As in all matters of life, bad choices lead to regrets. God has always had a better option for humanity, but who will listen? PRO 22:3 A prudent (wise) man foreseeth the evil, and hideth (protects) himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished (get caught out and suffer loss). Let's have a look at what God has to offer on this topic.

The Power to Make Changes

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Satan rebelled against God and decided that he would run the world his own way. A power struggle resulted with God's power being challenged by Satan's words. Satan relies on deceit and lies and focuses his attention firstly on the carnal side of our lives...keeping our hearts and minds preoccupied with basic lusts and desires. He also tries to deceive God's people with false doctrine and attacks against their faith. On the other hand God wants to offer us a better life, one that will not end at physical death. God changes the focus from the carnal to the Spiritual and offers people the power of the Holy Spirit, enabling change. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is not an optionalextra and neither is it a once off event. God transfers supernatural powers into our body with an outward sign demonstrating the reality of this event. In the detailed accounts in the N/T scriptures, those that received the power of the Holy Spirit instantly spoke in a new language (the bible calls it 'speaking in tongues'). The inclusion of thisnew Spiritual language gives us the power to communicate with God in an effective manner, repurposes our hearts, giving us the power to make changes in our lives.

The Five Greatest Questions

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

It is no surprise that some of the toughest and most daunting questions that might get asked about God, the church and the future of humanity; are very clearly presented in the scriptures. The following questions and answers relate to the greatest challenges facing the human race today.

This is God's Calling

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Jesus Christ revealed the sole purpose for the creation of the Christian church. He stood up in the temple and read a short prophecy from Isaiah. This statement summarized everything he stood for, everything that God wanted and everything we should build our life purposes upon. He delivered a message of real hope and opportunity for everyone. God is your solution to life and joy:... and you are the world's solution to life and joy. Jesus spells it out in simple terms... it's the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit alone, that makes all the difference.

The False Comfort of Lies

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The human race is facing a permanent battle between truth and error, and the ongoing battle between life and death. Those who have chosen God are dependent on having a source of truth that is both reliable and useable. That is what the salvation plan of God offers us through the anointing and indwelling power of the Holy Spirit.However, mankind suffers from two great weaknesses... laziness (lack of motivation) and disobedience. God's directions are both powerful and effective, yet many prefer something 'easier' than good solid scriptural pathways... false comfort. This world offers many lies, but few real answers.

I Have Chosen You

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

When God reveals his choices from the human race, it is based on known values and a realistic outcome. Equally as important, is the realization that those filled with the Holy Spirit; are personally selected by God. The only weak link with God's choices is our willingness to maintain the best options that God gives us. JER 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Let's put everything into context, as the personal promises of God towards us are as specific as the duties required from us... this means that there is a simple way to understand and apply all the personal promises of God towards our lives. We are encouraged to keep seeking the Lord with the same diligence that got us spirit filled in the first place... that is where the blessings and miracles occur.

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