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Articles 141 - 150 of 446 for Talks

A History of Betrayal

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The human race has been consistently betrayed by both the spiritual and natural leaders that are supposed to represent them, since the beginning of time. Mankind continues to reject God's eternal purpose for them.

The Two Greatest Enemies Of The Church

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The true church brings life to the hearer... the enemies of the church risk God given life, with death. The two main enemies of the church are titled, 'the son of perdition' and 'antichrist': both come from within.

The Are None So Blind

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

In human behaviour, to deny a clear reality (denialism), is the preferred way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. It is also called 'wilful ignorance'. In the bible, God uses terms like 'blind', 'foolish', 'mockers', etc., for the negative views expressed towards his creation and gospel. JER 5:21 Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not:

Pressure to Change

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Jesus Christ revealed that his message was much more than a collection of spiritual principles. JOH 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. Jesus explained that God's plan included a joint relationship, covering every aspect of our spiritual and natural lives. His main aim was to save us from the certainty of death by preserving our soul.

The End is the End

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The return of Jesus Christ brings closure and change like no other event in history. At that time, there will be no room for humanity nor the church to make any further changes to the status or position that they find themselves in. The end will be catastrophic and inescapable... thus God's continued warning to everyone who will listen. If we truly believe we are at the end of the age, then it would be wise to live like it. Perhaps, better still, if we believe we are Christians with a sense of purpose, then we need to live a life that supports our belief and faith. We hold the only solution for the people of this world... they have no solutions at all.

Shining in a Perverse Nation

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The Lord is well aware of every detail and aspect of human failures, that will lead the end of the world as we currently know it. He has made a way of escape for everyone who wants to live. The true Spirit filled Christian church is God's effective way of saving souls from the finality of death. PHI 2:15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.

Famous Mothers in the Bible

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

These notes relate to four famous mums from the bible and the major changes they made to the world.

The Best of Both Worlds

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Most people don't understand what the Holy Spirit is, nor what it offers. Terms like 'eternal life', 'salvation', etc., are lost to most people as they cannot relate to what is being said. It is usually the testimony of a spirit filled person that opens the eyes and minds of the hearer. Their real life experience reveals what these scriptural promises actually mean; being explained through their own experiences and miracles. God offers the unsaved a sign which comes with the infilling of the Spirit... speaking in tongues (also the primary form of spiritual communication with God). The Holy Spirit is God's personal power. It is able to enter our bodies and unites with our own spirit, magnifying all our abilities and opportunities. The bible teaches us how to develop these powers and skills and the best way to apply them to get results. Even though our bodies will die, our spirit is united with God who cannot die, thus eternal life is made possible for us.

Have You Got The LookV1.0

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Clothing fashions and trends are forever changing, with many feeling a great need to conform to the current, accepted style. Clothes can make a fashion statement, often needing to be updated, well before they wear out. For some, fashion and brand is more important than function, often being slaves to the designers and marketers. However, clothes still need to protect us, keep us insulated and also provide a modesty barrier. Another overlooked factor about our humanity is that we are spiritual beings as well as physical ones. Likewise, our spirit and personality also need to be 'clothed' in a safe and suitable way. God's Holy Spirit provides exactly the same function, but on a Spiritually permanent basis. Effective Christianity protects us from the effects of sin and death: the elements that are always present... thus the need for spiritual clothing.

The Final Regret

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The human race seems unable to face the reality that their soul and bodies are two separate entities, both needing specific conditions to keep alive. Most of their efforts are spent on natural needs and pleasures with very little thought given to the spiritual side of their life. As in all matters of life, bad choices lead to regrets. God has always had a better option for humanity, but who will listen? PRO 22:3 A prudent (wise) man foreseeth the evil, and hideth (protects) himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished (get caught out and suffer loss). Let's have a look at what God has to offer on this topic.

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