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Articles 141 - 150 of 431 for Talks

The Real Sin of Sodom

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Yes, it is true that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were morally depraved, including homosexuality; but that was only a symptom of a much greater problem. The people of these cities were Godless and lacking in all forms of human kindness and support... caring only for their own opinions (much like today's developing trends). We are fortunate to have a detailed account of how God works, which is useful for our own ministry.

Water and Fire

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The world is on the brink of a disaster that will eliminate almost all forms of human and animal life. This is the second time that the bible has recorded such far reaching disasters... the first time was the great flood and the next and soon to come calamity relates to a fiery death for almost all forms of life. God had Noah build an ark to save those who believed the prophecy of the coming flood and Jesus Christ is building another ark... called the church; which will also deliver those who prepare for the coming fire. Both destructive judgments are the results of human rebellion against the principles of God.

When God Challenges

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Each day people face potentially thousands of religions, unlimited materialism and pointless ego pampering. Is it any wonder that the real God of the bible, needs to challenge hearts and minds with much more than naturally attractive or powerless beliefs? Today we will look at how the biblical God handles such matters and see how he works today. Firstly, let look at how God evaluates the 'atheist'... the complete unbeliever. PSA 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. God's criticism is strong because He has built spiritual awareness into every human on the planet... all have the ability to accept and prove God's existence.

A God Given Identity

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The only identity that most people have in this world is their birth or marriage names and their nationality. Many are struggling while other forms of identity are devalued or removed; even gender itself. When people stand for nothing, they fall for everything; particularly towards those who would rule and control them. However, God offers a new identity: one that will not fail with age, nor be taken from us by ungodly people. Having a spiritual identity changes our physical reality establishing true purpose and ownership.

Anointed to Act

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The anointing of the Holy Spirit (when God's Spirit enters our body); instantly prepares us to do God's work, when required. God's Spirit is equally designed for action as it is for teaching and heart blessing. Jesus was always ready to use these powers whenever opportunities arose. LUK 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. Similarly, we only need some healthy motivation to allow the spirit to move as well.

Connecting God And You

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The hardest thing about making a connection with God lies in the fact that this world mocks and scorns anyone who mentions any belief or evidence of a creator. We are pressured from birth not to even consider,anything relating to God or creation. A quick search on Google reveals the real failings of our 'enlightened' and 'modern' culture. There is not the slightest concern about death or its effects on our soul... the top ten problems facing humanity don't even consider death or the state of the dead. It is a conspiracy of silence and if you dare ask the wrong questions you face the scorn of society. Yet, only the right question can get the right answer.

Hard Sayings Reveal Easy Solutions

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Lack of action is simply the gap between motivation and commitment. We all get good ideas and many have wonderful moments of clarity and purpose, but all that needs to be turned into actions. When it comes to matters of scripture and servitude with God, the answers are already there and are actually easier to perform than most realize. These notes take us through a step by step guide to turn hard saying into easy solutions. JER 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. God reminds us that he is on our side and wants to support us.

When Things Go Wrong

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Astronaut and artist Alan Bean died in May this year at age 86. He was the fourth human to walk on the moon as part of the crew of Apollo 12, and spent 31 hours on the lunar surface in the 2nd moon mission 1969. Alan Bean's first space launch has gone terribly wrong after less than a minute; the craft had been hit by lightning twice. Despite flashing warning lights all over the control panels, he could see the batteries were still putting out the required power. He kept repeating this to his crew and mission control as the team scrambled to determine what happened and what to do. The ground suggests resetting the seemingly ailing systems, but Bean hesitates. "One of the rules of space flight is you don't make any changes to an electrical system unless you've got a good idea why you're doing it," he will later say. "I knew we had power, so I didn't want to make any changes. I figured we could fly into orbit just like that. We've all learned that by randomly switching the electrical system around, you can get yourself into more trouble."

Blessing Roundup

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Every blessing promised in the bible is there for us to take the advantage... however, it is always a choice we need to make and act on!! The following list of seven actions may well prove to be helpful to stimulate your mind into more effective living.

The Battle for Jerusalem

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Jerusalem has a history with God like no other city in the world. King David conquered Jerusalem (city ofpeace) also called city of David, approx. 1000bc and made it the capital of the Jewish kingdom. His son,Solomon, built the first Holy Temple 40 years later, with the Holy Spirit power and fire confirming God'sphysical connection with humanity (2CHR 7:1). The Holy Spirit appeared again in Jerusalem on the day ofPentecost (50 days after the veil was torn): in a temple prayer room, this time entering the bodies of thefaithful, not the holiest of holies... the New Testament now replaced the old. NB., Jesus was also murdered inJerusalem (God's chosen city); rejected and condemned by the Jews, crucified by the Romans.

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