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Articles 151 - 160 of 431 for Talks

Trained To Be Victims

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

There is no one who achieves 100% of their human possibility, whether it be genetic, intellectual, economic, self worthor romance. All of us suffer from being potentially short changed in one area or another. Thus we have two choices...move forward, or become victims. There is also a spiritual side to all of us, which we cannot naturally ever measure up to. God reveals how we can improve ourselves, but that means taking personal responsibility of our lives and make improvements. When God is not allowed to be part of any solution, then victimhood is the only outcome, because eventually all people die. Those who ignore God are the victims, deceived by sin. By refusing to allow God's power to bea solution, death becomes their choice.

God's Love Is Greater Than You

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

When we talk about the love of God; many rightly feel safe and secure in the gracious comfort and merciful forgiveness, which is far above our personal capacity. God is far more capable than we are, thus as Christians we endeavour to love and think more like Christ would have us do. The trouble with this is, we often can miss why he has shown his love towards us... we focus on his love, but often miss why he has revealed it to us. We have been filled with the Holy Spirit to demonstrate God's love, not just feed on it. His love goes far beyond his personal and touching care for us. He also cares for the rest of the world and wants us to do our bit in sharing the gospel with the unsaved as well. Should we miss this second part of God's love, we also miss the overcoming nature of our existence. Even worse, we also miss numerous blessing and can feel unfulfilled.

Serving God Never Got Easier

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Many people, including numerous Christians, falsely believe that serving God is a difficult and demanding task... this is not the case. God has never made it easier to prove his existence, to develop a working relationship with him and to build a quality life. This is made all the more easier by following a few well proven steps. Nothing workable happens until the Holy Spirit enters our bodies as this is the key to a successful relationship with God. The Holy Spirit is the source of power for every blessing and the key to all worthwhile knowledge. God's power also makes it possible to succeed despite our obvious shortcomings and personal weaknesses. The greatest power of the Holy Spirit lies in its ability to cleanse us of all sin and to maintain the cleansing process for our whole lives.

It is Finished

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The death of Jesus Christ was much more than the removal of a 'religious competitor' for the Jews and far more beneficial for humanity than any other single event in history. Christ's sacrifice completed the Old Testament and introduced a foolproof plan for those seeking eternal life. JOH 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. It is over!!

Inspiration From God

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The bible has proven to be a source of inspiration to more people over time, than any other source. Aside from thesalvation message, the concept of an all powerful, creative and loving God; provides inspiration to everyone,everywhere; no matter what their life's circumstances. Most people rightly understand that there is much more to life and living than just their own allotted portion. It is very humbling to realize that God has far more influence on those who are suffering than on those who enjoy the benefits of a good life. Thus we find that humility and inspiration go hand in hand with grief and trials. The following list of well known hymns/choruses come from moments of utter despair, simple humility and joyful hope.

Spiritually Powered

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Our salvation is merely the beginning of the blessings that God has revealed to us through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are called into much more than a one off experience. We are now powered up, to take some truly exciting steps. Many of life's disappointments and many spiritual weaknesses will vanish away very quickly when we get the spiritual basics right. Asking, seeking and knocking is a daily routine, not something we do to receive the Holy Spirit, nor hold in reserve for emergencies once filled with the spirit! It is almost impossible to come to terms with church life and spiritual happiness, if God's priorities are not our own.

Choking to Death

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The prophetic parable of the 'sower', reveals the frightening reality that many Christian will be choked to death from bad choices and poor scriptural discipline. There is a very serious side to God which can be easily overlooked by modern, 'feel good' approaches to fellowship and eternal life. God refuses to accept anyone who knowingly waters down his word and his requirements. GAL 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Once a person responds to the salvation gospel through receiving the Holy Spirit with the God given sign of speaking in tongues, it is fully expected that a strong commitment will continue. It is easy to overlook the fact that every day, life and death are continually in play. We don't have the luxury of taking God or our fellowship for granted...there is a job to be done and the urgency only increases; it never eases.

You Cannot Handle The Truth

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

After Jack Nicholson spoke these famous words in the movie "A Few Good Men", the line became an instant classic. This short quote reveals the disappointing fact, that most people really can't "handle the truth" about serious life issues. As a result, many of humanities major problems, arise by denying or avoiding most of life's realities. The first truth is that all human life will end, but the denial comes when the cause of death and the possibility of eternal or spiritual life, is debated. Simply, we have to choose between a purposeful, God created universe, or a meaningless and loveless evolutionary accident, where we can be our own God.

Nothing Surer Than Death And Taxes

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The quote, "In this world nothing is sure but death and taxes" is attributed to Benjamin Franklin. It simply draws on the actual inevitability of death, to highlight the difficulty in avoiding the burden of taxes. Sadly, both death and taxes were never part of God's plans for humanity. Due to our arrogant attitude towards God, we are troubled by much more than death and taxes. We were warned... GEN 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. & 1SAM 8:7 And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them (God lists all the taxes and burdens of human government in these Samuel verses), but again they would not listen. We are bound by death and taxes and many other human ills, but we still have a real choice on the biggest issue still to come. We are warned again of unavoidable truths; but this time it is within our own power to escape.

The Law of the Universe

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Newton's third law of motion is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Many use the term 'Karma', to extend this principle beyond a law of physics and suggest it applies to all areas of life...those who do good or evil are rewarded accordingly. Far more importantly, the bible also reveals strong spiritual laws that are equally true in every area of human application. For those filled with the Holy Spirit there are amazing opportunities to change the direction and value of our lives, if we learn to use these laws wisely. God has always been the source of energy and life, but humanity prefers to avoid the conditions associated with real spiritual awareness and power. Reality check... we are not human beings choosing to have a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings choosing much more than just our human experience.

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