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Articles 161 - 170 of 431 for Talks

Mankind Cannot Save Themselves

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Even the best minds in the world have come to the conclusion that life as we know it, will end unless drastic changes are made. What is missing that allows humanity to go from surviving and developing for thousands of years: to finding themselves on the brink of annihilation at their technological peak? God is not mentioned once by the most recognised minds on the earth. The difference today is that we no have the technology and numbers of people to overwhelm the earth and destroy it, thus real fears of total destruction are rising. Interestingly, the scriptures identified these problems thousands of years ago and have continually offered the only workable answer; right up to our current age.

At That Very Moment

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The bible clearly reveals an overwhelming range of events that will soon affect the whole planet. Major failings of political, military, social and religious integrity, and a number of catastrophic natural disasters will lead to the 'Armageddon' event; which will see Jesus Christ returning to save the earth from total destruction. The following samples primarily deal with the very last moment, just before/as Christ returns.

Body of Evidence

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Today, we test the world's most popular religious beliefs, by the same rule of law, which is common to the western judicial system. The following are the two main aspects the law uses in determining truth from error. *1. Weight of evidence...The strength, value and believability presented on a factual issue by one side as compared to evidence introduced by the other side.*2. Burden of proof... In a civil trial, the plaintiff's Burden of Proof is a standard based on the majority of evidence. This means that the accuser must convince the 'trier of facts' (judge or jury or you), that the evidence in support of their case outweighs the evidence offered by the defendant to oppose it.

What Most People Don't Want To Hear

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

One of the strongest themes in the bible reveals the need for every person to take responsibility for their own lives and their future direction. The 'Lord's prayer', details a simple outline of reality and responsibility along these lines ('thy will be done on earth... forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors MAT 6:9-13). In a world full of victim claiming and name calling, the ways of God have never been needed more, yet are strongly rejected by most people. What hope do our children have and what hope does our country face, if denial, victimhood and lies are the preferred options? It can only get worse as the solutions are ignored.

How Should We Live?

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

There are numerous interesting promises and blessings relating to salvation, spiritual service and worship. The following is a simple outline of the starting points which all saved people begin their servitude to God. In every other walk of life there are biases that work for and against us, some fair and some unfair, some favourable and many not so much, so. However, the church is not bound by cultural inequalities, nor any other natural imbalances.

Ignorance Is A Choice

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

People are surrounded and overwhelmed by far too many choices in every day life. The amount of information facing everyone is beyond comprehension and increasing at a record level. Modern technology such as smart phones, social media and television; demand consistent and increased attention. There are far too many choices, thus priorities need to be put in place. These choices need to be made on a daily basis...remember, ignorance is a choice as much as any other!! Like eternal life and living an overcoming life, many of the small choices we make, shape our future as well as the important ones. The power of the Holy Spirit opens our eyes enabling us to see far better options.

The Last 500 Years

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The last 500 years of human development have all been possible through the nations that followed and obeyed God's principles, as opposed to political and social agendas. God's plans work for thousands of years, while human endeavours usually fail in the lifetime of the leader. The following points highlight the sudden leap over the last 500 years from the dark ages to unimaginable human achievement and technology.

God is Working

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

God has much to offer the human race and reveals his love and purposes in many ways. He wants us to have a good and happy life, but knows this is not easy when corrupted moral and social choices prevail. Jesus spoke of these opportunities and wanted us to faithfully seek them. He spoke of the coming Holy Spirit and its miraculous ability to not only provide salvation, but to also offer evidence and vastly improve our quality of life. He also gave the power and motivation to spread the Gospel to family, friends and strangers.

This Is How God Works

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

There is so much confusion and unscriptural directions, that many find it difficult to find a power based relationship with God. There are many bible verses that when quoted in isolation, fail to reveal the full strength and power of true salvation. These notes particularly quote the passages that explain how the real power of God is activated. They also detail the true, faith based approach that results in signs, miracles and wonders. It is a shame that most people only hear of Jesus Christ and his love for the world, but never hear of nor see the power that is still available today.

The Only Technique That Works

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

As Jesus revealed the structure of the New Testament, it became clear that it would only work if its basic principles were practiced and maintained. This is the offer that God has made to the world. Salvation is only possible through participating in the sacrifices that Christ suffered for us. The need to repent, be baptized and pray and receive the Holy Spirit, with God's chosen evidence of speaking in tongues... is essential. The following points of spiritual order, amplify the basic acts of faith Christians need to understand and apply.

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