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Articles 181 - 190 of 431 for Talks

The Power of Fellowship Part Two

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The Holy Spirit delivers us from humanity's failings and comes with a simple list of lifestyle changes that turn our weaknesses into blessings. These verses are similar to a product service manual, that makes it possible to understand new design and management practices that will keep us alive and well. Fellowship is much more than turning up at a meeting and communion is much more than drinking and eating food elements once a week.

When God Calls

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

We are called for one reason only... to live & preach the gospel! To compensate for the sacrificial attitude needed to obey God's plan, we have a perfect arrangement where our sins and failings can be forgiven as we serve the Lord with an undivided sense of purpose. That is why the Lord told us to seek first the kingdom of God (position and purpose), then he blesses our lives with all other needs. MAT 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things (natural needs and assets) shall be added unto you. This is God's way and produces doers rather than hearers... it also gives us a lifelong measure to rest upon. What is the urgent calling we have all been equipped to do? MAR 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. This requires sacrifice, faith and commitment (ongoing sense of urgency). That is, if you think your life and the life of God's children are worth saving.

Resistance is Futile

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

This catchphrase grew popular in the TV series "Star Trek: The Next Generation," where an evil alien race called the Borg, tried to take over and assimilate every planet they came upon. "Resistance is futile" was the phrase used on those about to be taken captive... escape was impossible. Sadly, this is the reality for many trying to resist the downhill direction this modern world is taking. It won't end well, because the only solution is God and this world won't let God be the answer for anything! However, God will stun this world when Jesus Christ reappears to destroy everything that is a corruption of God's ways. Everyone is facing the certainty God's judgment... there is no escape. This perhaps, should be the application of 'resistance is futile' as everyone who resists Godss salvation will perish. HEB 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Both death and judgment are unavoidable. Thus any other life priority is futile.

The First Priority

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Newton's third law is not only universal, but is also spiritually sound as well... 'For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction'. Engineers understand that unless that which is built is stronger than the forces working against it, it will collapse! Human life is no different. Unless we exert a greater force against death, then death will prevail. Spiritual life is equally bound by this truth... that is why the bible is primarily a book that teaches us how to fight against the certainty of death, with stronger powers that offer the certainty of life. Thus, the battle for spiritual life (the preservation of the soul), should be our first priority. Paul explains this reality... EPH 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood (natural forces), but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (spiritual forces). This is the true battle that should be the focus for everyone, at all times.... especially us.

The Hard Facts of Life

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

We don't own this planet and have no more rights and enforceable laws than what the powers of the universe allow... whether natural or spiritual. Our lawmakers and leaders are losing the fight to support and maintain the ethics and morality that guarantee us a lasting future. Troubles, strife and the increase in lawlessness are becoming far more frequent on a worldwide basis. The history of the human race shows the same story over and over again. The bible consistently reveals a final and irreversible collapse.

Always Abounding

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

There are two basic principles underlying spiritual growth and development in Godly service (love). MAT 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God (spiritual priorities), and his righteousness (free from natural obstacles); and all these (natural) things shall be added unto you. Putting God first (prayerfully) in both thought and deed, is an inescapable priority. The following verses cover two vital aspects of God's methods for our person development and effectiveness. This means that fellowship and the gifts are a priority for you.

The Right Tree

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

God not only reveals the nature of the two primary trees in creation, he also uses similar metaphors for spiritual guidance and understanding. We are reminded that we are firstly, spiritual purposed creatures.

Distractions Can Be Deadly

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Every living being is involved in a battle for survival. After that comes the emotional needs such as happiness, love, peace, etc., but when there is no apparent struggle for life, then all the emotional pleasures replace the necessities. Modern thinking would have us believe that the 'present time' is the only real thing and all else is an illusion or a distraction. This is a very dangerous attitude, because it assumes that our natural pleasures of each day is the only thing that counts. Each living person also has a soul that needs to be kept alive, because we are dual beings. While most are busy keeping the body and mind alive and happy, those who are wise are taking steps to keep the soul alive. Only the knowledge of true salvation makes this possible. 2COR 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (we no longer fight the same battle for survival and emotional comforts that the world does), but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; God reveals the real battle and the best method to win it.

The New Ark

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The ark that Noah built was like nothing ever seen before on the earth. It was big and obvious, but no one related to the message that went with its construction. None identified his preaching and the ark with salvation and safety... none had seen a great flood before. They all perished because they simply couldn't bring themselves to weigh up the evidence. Likewise, the spirit filled church is a spiritual ark, but for most people during the last 2000 years, the signs based church is not identified as a place of safety. Even though death has stalked humanity from their earliest existence, not even the promise of eternal life with signs following has been able to capture the hearts of the majority.

Equipped to Minister

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

'Plug and Play' is a term used to describe the specific design of a computer system that makes it possible for the computer to use a device as soon as it is connected, with no special knowledge or training required. This is no different than the very effective plan of salvation (the New Testament), which Jesus Christ first introduced on the day of Pentecost. From the moment we receive the Holy Spirit we are ready to live forever and serve the Lord in truly amazing ways...

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