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Articles 231 - 240 of 440 for Talks

Peace of Mind

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

True peace of mind is the most elusive condition on the planet. Our materialistic world has disregarded true and lasting values and headed down the one way street of natural fulfillment. The focus on accruing assets, life skills, education, travel, the body beautiful and individualism (good feelings), is proving to be a disater for everyone. World peace is impossible and so is true peace of mind. No one seems to want to address the real issues that affect all humanity. True peace of mind comes from self disciplines, not from natural experiences nor gains. The real problem: the elephant in the room, is the certainty of physical death and the inability to offer a solution which pleases the materialistic heart... there is none. How can you find peace of mind if your mind is facing certain extinction? Despite the corruptions of modern thinking, the bible offers a lot more than religion and tradition, relating to true and lasting peace.

Shortcuts to Solving Problems

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

God offers very simple solutions to what often appear to be complex problems. Problems are only our interpretation of an idea, event or action that requires a response that is not always obvious. God has made a great effort to reveal scriptural promises that offer solutions without complexity.

God's Loyalty is Amazing

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The concept of loyalty is one of the great cornerstones of families and marriages. It is also the backstop behind successful sports teams, businesses, community groups, etc. Loyalty gives us the ability and patience to support a chosen group of people through both negative and positive events. It binds people into relationships that would otherwise crumble, when the pressures or changes of life appear. The loyalty that God offers the human race goes far beyond the type of loyalty that people can offer each other... it goes beyond human reasoning, beyond fairness and beyond time itself. The following verses give us a strong appreciation of how God’s loyalty works.

More Than Blind Faith

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Many see Christians as people who have second rate lives, artificially driven by blind faith... often associated with the denial or abstinence of many of life's pleasures. Most of these impressions result from the very negative portrayal of religious people in movies and in general life. The ongoing revelations of child molestation and other poor treatment of innocent people by some churches, is also detracting from the life of real Christians. Many church goers also expect very little from God... many are driven by powerless hope and unanswered faith. However, true Christianity is nothing like what most people believe. Blind faith is not a Christian trait... those who are Christians as defined in the bible; have a life filled with opportunity, real hope, God given power and supernatural blessings.

Identified by Signs Following

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Since Adam, God has always identified himself with miracles, signs and wonders; particularly when working with faithful people. Most miracles are not the type that people always want to see, but that choice has always been His...not ours. God introduced the power of the spirit into the temple with miraculous displays. Similarly he gave the Israelites signs and symbols so they could identify themselves at a natural level as well. God has not changed. Now revealing himself through signs, miracles and wonders as he enters our bodies (the new temple of the Spirit). Like Israel, he now identifies his people through their ability to live a natural and spiritually based life, at the same time. Thus our lives identify and symbolise God's ways and power on earth.

Without Excuse

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The need to justify our decisions (even to ourselves); is the instinctive role of the conscience in nearly all thought processes. The conscience is an inescapable part of the human mind, that compels us to justify all our actions, whether good or bad. Unwise choices lead us to making excuses (which are mostly falsehoods, manufactured to ease our conscience). Jesus Christ identified this fatal human trait, when he spoke a parable about the kingdom of heaven where it is likened to a great feast to which everyone was invited. This is a simple metaphor of the decisions people can make when facing life and death choices. LUK 14:18 And they all with one consent began to make excuse. He wasn't asking them to do something unpleasant or meaningless... he was inviting them to a feast with the creator and ruler of the universe. They all had an excuse (false reason), why something else was more important than their life... all the excuses were weak and lacked integrity.

Freedom From Death

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Freedom is most commonly defined as...'the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants'. Everyone wants the freedom to live life the way they choose, but no one has the power to maintain their life indefinitely. Death makes a mockery of freedom, because the freedom to live forever, is outside human expertise. Seeing that freedom from death is impossible to legislate or implement, the vast majority of people ignore it and occupy themselves with other interests. Despite outraged mockery from those who believe in freedom of expression... the bible reveals more about death, its consequences and its solutions, than all of the writings of mankind put together. Everyone knows that our earth has a limited time before it perishes as well, but the bible foretells a catastrophic upheaval in the very near future. It also reveals all of these principles and details, completely free of political and cultural biases. There are numerous prophesies about the coming changes and they are not all that far away. Let's look at what the bible reveals.

Connecting to the Grid

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The power grid supplies energy and opportunities well beyond natural abilities. This requires specialised infrastructure, to harness electrical power in a usable manner. Devices also need to be custom built, if they are going to use electricity to energise them. A basic understanding of electricity, how it functions and how we need to be insulated from its powerful energy, are essential. Likewise, an effective connection with God, is very similar to having a working connection to the electricity grid. God also has powers beyond our natural ability, even reaching beyond physical death and outlasting every atom in the universe. The bible is God’s manual on how to make the most of his power, revealing why we have life and its true value to him.

Windows of Time

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Despite human pride and arrogance, we don't own this planet and have no more rights or powers than what the forces of nature allow. Remember, death quickly follows birth... no matter who we are. The bible reveals that God created this universe for a good reason. All things started from nothing and will return to nothing once again. As the bible says... 1PET 1:24 For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: Life appears then disappears very quickly.

Propaganda Versus Reality

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Propaganda is defined as the systematic, widespread distribution of specific ideas, doctrines, practices which can help one cause or be harmful to another cause. This phrase summarizes the great gap between what people are taught about God and what is denied or mocked. God has provided a way for facts to be learned.

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