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Articles 231 - 240 of 451 for Talks

Discovering Truth

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

We're witnessing a whole generation who regard facts as more or less optional. They're being taught that it's important to have views, but they're not being taught to know what they are talking about. It's essential to hear opposing viewpoints and even more important to learn how to distinguish the differences... to establish the point with the most evidence or logic behind it. However, the majority are being taught to run with whatever feels or sounds good. No science, discipline or culture can survive when built on these flawed principles.

The Flesh Versus the Spirit

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

We all know that without the spirit our body is dead, but equally, without God's intervention our spirit also faces permanent death. Thus, there is an unseen battle raging between life and death every day. It revolves around substance and ignorance, proof and theory, humility and pride. Despite overwhelming human indifference, God still offers a life preserving covenant, that links his spirit with ours. This covenant gives us an effective solution where the limitations of our humanity are counter balanced by His spiritual input.

Faith and Works Together

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

No matter what the problem, what the need, what the requirement or what the desire is, God responds best through faith and works. The first section of the following scriptures relate to pressures within the Corinthian church... a church in potentially serious trouble, with numerous divisive issues. The second segment of the following scriptures, reveal a solid working solution to these difficulties... faith and works.

Defenders of the Faith

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Most people fail to gasp that the Christian battle is between life and death, not between waring religious ideologies, nor atheistic debate. Everything of value has to be fought for and protected, whether it's democratic freedom, personal values or good health... challenges are forever forthcoming. This has also been the case with God's promises and values. There is a great reward for those who make their stand and defend their assets and values. There is an even greater reward when defending the plan of God. Remember, God has given you scripturally provable signs and doctrine, not just theory, nor religious debate.

Viable Proof

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Any argument that seeks to prove or disprove God's existence, needs to be established with credible evidence if it's to remain viable. Viability is the ability of a thing (a living organism, an artificial system, an idea, etc.) to maintain itself or recover its potential. God offers the human race proof of a viable method of friendship, salvation and long term survival, but it depends on simple obedience to scriptural principles to be established. Remember, criticism or unbelief don’t establish truth in their own right... any evidence no matter how small, still holds more weight than the largest criticism. Let’s consider God’s biblical advice for a moment or two.

Working With God

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Even though the world is full of sceptics and doubters, who all make their own demands on how God should reveal himself...the bible pattern remains consistent and effective. Even when Jesus was on the cross, there were those who wanted him to do it their way, but he refused (MAT 27:42 ...If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him). God has his own plans and purposes that are far beyond limited, human imagination. It falls upon all of us to seek God through the use of the Holy Spirit's workings revealed in the scriptures... to regularly use them in a way that edifies others and ourselves.

Every Eye

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The most stunning, yet important development in the history of the earth is about to swiftly appear. It will be unlike any other event in human history. Everything that the human race has valued and worked for will be brought to nothing in one earth shattering moment. Jesus Christ is returning to take up his rightful position as king of kings. Our leaders and educators have largely aided the corruption relating to our humanity and denigrated the real meaning and purpose of our existence. There has been a continuous effort to turn people away from God and his values. However, this foolishness of ignoring and denying God will soon be painfully revealed.

Which God Are You Searching For?

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

A prominent English judge often met people who said they didn't believe in God. As was his custom, he often asked then to describe the god that lead to their disbelief. After hearing their negative reply, he told them that he didn’t believe in the god they had described either. Despite our views, God provides a solution.

Psalm 139 Nothing is Hidden

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

This Psalm reveals just how knowledgeable God is about everything that comes and goes in our life. This motivates us to make the most of every situation, because God has everything under control... even if we can’t see the outcome. Our failings are not the problem, because God can fix them all... we need to believe him and stick to him no matter what. There is no place to hide nor any place to run to.

What Manner of Person?

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

It is no surprise that movies with themes of impending worldwide destruction and 'good verses evil', do very well at the box office. It almost appears that the God given sense of good needing to triumph over evil cannot be ignored. After all, centuries before the popularity of movies and books, God has consistently warned us of such dire challenges coming about. Even more specifically, He describes the very nature of the destructive causes that will finally consume the earth... unquenchable fire and geophysical catastrophe. The threat will be created and triggered by humanity itself. Resulting from their rebellion against God's creative goodness and their preferences for unsustainable, lifestyle choices. This world is on limited time, the people have limited opportunities, but the bible offers defined and workable solutions for those who care to listen.

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