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Articles 241 - 250 of 431 for Talks

The Search for a Better Life

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The quest for 'new and better', is a never ending human addiction, stimulated by world wide inventions... where even the poor have access to the latest mobile technology, television and scientific applications. Knowledge is doubling at the rate of every twelve months and will jump to every 12 hours with faster and more diverse internet access. Despite the obvious benefits of much of todays increase in technology, 'new and improved' is not always better. The bible predicted such advances over 2,500 years ago. DAN 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Sadly, our modern world is failing in more areas than it is excelling, because all the emphasis is on the natural and not the spiritual. Ignoring the creator of the universe, making unskilled spiritual decisions; will lead to the extinction of almost all human life (also scripturally predicted).

Through God's Eyes

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Reality differs according to the way our senses interpret our environment. A blind or deaf person comprehends a far different world than the one most people view. Different senses give different results. Dogs hear sounds and smell things that we can't, they know things that we don't... they are receiving information that we are not equipped to know. Likewise, our minds are able to process facts, emotions, future projections and the unknowns... the mental picture we build depends upon life experiences and social beliefs. We all interpret our life and values through our senses, our social morals and our personality. Very few people come to the same understanding, because they lack a TRUE spiritual sense of right and wrong. God offers us another capacity; he offers to show us the world through his eyes, to see things with his understanding... this is the Christian life. This is why sharing your testimony is so vital... it reveals that which is not seen nor known.

Life is a Fridge

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Jesus often used parables, as a way of comparing natural and familiar practices, to reveal spiritual truths that are often less obvious. The following is a modern parable on a worthy topic. The parable of the fridge (my observation), starts by noting the principles of refrigeration. A fridge creates the right temperature to best maintain the quality and life of our food... food being a primary source of life and health. God offers exactly the same spiritual principle, through the anointing of the Holy Spirit... maintaining the life of our soul.

The Ark and the Church

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The following is a simple comparison between Noah's ark and the church of Christ.

Facets of Preaching

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Jesus predicted a time when preaching the gospel of the indwelling kingdom would be a world wide event. With the failure of the traditional Christian nations to uphold God given values, the gospel is now being preached and well received in many developing nations. Moral, social and economic corruptions have riddled the West and are mostly irreversible.. avoidance of nuclear war is almost inescapable.

God is a Healer of the Diligent

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The following observations should be helpful to get a balanced view of opportunities relating to divine healing. God knows the doubts, fears and strengths that we all carry, yet has made a workable method for us to exercise.

The Benefits of Tribulation

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The hostile environment of space travel, involves numerous survival and coping strategies that earthly life doesn't. Just like astronauts who travel or live in outer space; spirit filled Christians also face day to day survival requirements that are foreign to natural living

WW3 Has Already Begun

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The return of Jesus Christ in itself, has no warning sign directly revealing this age ending event. However, the scriptures give us a brief outline of prophetic events, which lead up to need for Jesus to return. An out of control and rapidly escalating world war seem to be clearly described as the trigger for such a return, but most people including political and military experts failed to predict WW1 & WW2; thus it will come as no surprise that most will miss the beginning of WW3 as well. Likewise, no matter how astute many Christians feel they might be, the return of the Lord is going to catch many unawares. The reasons behind wars and those rising to meet the Lord, begin long before being noticed by the 'experts'... by this time it is too late.

Stolen Lives

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

We hear a lot about the 'stolen generation', kidnapped children, the slave trade, etc., but how many people are aware of the greatest theft of human life on the planet? The Word of God reveals spiritual crimes that secretly affect everyone without exception and promises to reveal and restore the losses. JOH 10:10 The thief (Satan) cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life (through the anointing of the Spirit), and that they might have it more abundantly (with added Godly blessing). Jesus reveals the true reason behind his time on earth. The real battle is not about individual crimes against humanity, but the universal battle for the souls, hearts and minds of every living person. He also reveals who is causing the trouble and how the problems can be overcome. Satan wants to remove you from the battle... to steal your time, efforts and abilities to build and reveal a true, spiritually based life.

Real Life

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The realities of life are far different than what we are taught at school, see on tv, on our expectations and may differ markedly from the rest of our family. The following observations are from Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and one of the most successful people in the world. There are spiritual principles that are similar to his observations which make it worthy of considering.

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