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Articles 251 - 260 of 431 for Talks

Who is a Real Christian

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The word 'Christian' is not used all that often in the scriptures and certainly has a far different meaning than what is commonly understood by most people. There is a vast difference between believing in God and obeying God and a further difference of maintaining a lifelong servitude. Those who believe in God only, have no scriptural rank at all (however, most of these people are seen as Christians). Those who believe in God and promote his values and the role of Jesus, are disciples only (again, these are seen as practicing Christians, but this is also scripturally wrong)... because the term 'Christian' is strictly reserved for those who have been anointed having received) the Holy Spirit and are applying it to their lives, every day.

Unsolvable Problems

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

There is no way to repair the worldwide break down of social and moral values. Far too many people are prepared to enjoy short term gains, at the expense of safe disciplines. The family unit, which has always been the strength of prosperous nations is almost shattered. The push for same sex marriage, will be quickly followed up by demands for other corruptions with underage children and every other sick or twisted perversion seeking to be acceptable. There is no turning back when all these failings are 'normalised' by world leaders and the bulk of the free press. However, the real problem is much greater than this. Weak nations lead to wars and instability. Trucebreakers and liars will dominate, but God will not stand to see his creation thus perverted. He will act the same way that Noah's generation witnessed, but this time it will be much worse. In simple terms, if the nations won't take spiritual direction, then they cannot establish a lasting and cohesive lifestyle on the earth. We have had consistent warnings since Jesus Christ and the gospel messages, right through to this modern age, but none are listening. In fact, people are mocked for even daring to mention these truths.

Strength Isn't By Accident

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Those who grow to be strong in the Lord, often coping with conflicts, doubts, fears and oppression: do so for a very good reason. A love of scriptural truth and a love of God’s people, gives the best opportunities to enjoy blessings, miracles and success. The pressures of life, family and friends, can work against these truths. However, those who will grow strong, remain steadfast in God’s word and its application.

The Gospel of Salvation

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

God has fully equipped us to abundantly promote his word to the people of this world. What God has given us bypasses natural ability, fear and doubt. It also has the power to cut through the ignorance and hardness of unbelievers (both the speaker and the hearer). All it requires is the willingness to put God first and to step out in faith and do what God wants us to do.

The Holy Spirit in Action

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The Holy Spirit is more than the working power of God... its presence is both observable and accessible.

Fellowship- Our Greatest Strength

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Fellowship is essential for all Christians, because God's church depends on our involvement to overcome the limits of human weakness. True Christian fellowship, brings to reality the best possible results in our lives. Without balanced and faithful fellowship, personal growth is hindered, God's word is tarnished and many lives are lost to sin. It can seem to be easier to do things on our own… no responsibility to anyone else, no need to get involved in inconvenient duties or the failings of others, etc. Nowhere in the Gospels did Jesus ever hint that church members should be self seeking, or self justifying. In fact we are strongly reminded, that a church will never grow to its full capacity, if there is not a love for fellowship. The word 'fellowship' is translated from the Greek word, 'koinonia,' meaning... community, communion, joint participation.

It's Not About You

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

In the absence of the big picture, all bible stories and parables can appear to be isolated events that relate to our ongoing needs and aspirations. We may be surprised to discover, that the bible is not a book defining our right to be happy and blessed. Rather, it is a book of history and prophecy that reveals the need to serve and obey God; should any hope of living be of value to us. The reality of living rests on two forces battling for supremacy of life values. On one side is God's word, his power and his revelations. On the other side, is ego driven delusions of superiority, where humans believe they know more than God. They defy or ignore the track record of continuous human failures, even death itself. Jesus revealed the power that would deliver people from death... the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the need to follow its directions in all matters of living and worship. Historically, we are very near the return of Jesus Christ and these notes address the scriptural record relating to this matter.

The Greatest Opportunity Ever

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Many 'experts' over the last 100 years or so, have been blind to remarkable opportunities, because they relied on the limits of natural thinking and biases rather than qualified inspiration. ETERNAL LIFE, the opportunity on offer from God... right now. DEU 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: The difference with God... he offers proof. This choice doesn't depend on blind faith or luck.

The Answer is Ready and Waiting

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Some people are dubious about a God that is not limited by space or time, nor any natural laws. However, the working knowledge of this truth, offers us amazing possibilities. Can you imagine the benefit of knowing the future before it happens, likewise, knowing the thoughts and actions of your enemies and knowing how to access the power to change things that threaten or intimidate us. When we receive the Holy Spirit, we also receive access to the supernatural power that Jesus exercised. JOH 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. This is a very precise revelation that the power that potentially is able to work in us, is also not bound by space or time, or any natural boundaries whatsoever. Jesus is equally alive in the past as he is in the future... thus he is the perfect helper for every situation.

The Other Side to Being Human

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Many of our educators would have us believe that our lives and reason for living, is due to nothing more than accidental and meaningless chance. Our birth is a fortunate coincidence and our death returns us to the void of nothingness. Thankfully, there is another side to the human story, which our modern world prefers to avoid. Your life does have meaning and there is a very good reason for your existence. The most popular book on earth... the Bible... reveals much of what the self proclaimed experts, deny, or choose to ignore.

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