The Holy Spirit in Action
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
The Holy Spirit is more than the working power of God... its presence is both observable and accessible.
Fellowship- Our Greatest Strength
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Fellowship is essential for all Christians, because God's church depends on our involvement to overcome the limits of human weakness. True Christian fellowship, brings to reality the best possible results in our lives. Without balanced and faithful fellowship, personal growth is hindered, God's word is tarnished and many lives are lost to sin. It can seem to be easier to do things on our own… no responsibility to anyone else, no need to get involved in inconvenient duties or the failings of others, etc. Nowhere in the Gospels did Jesus ever hint that church members should be self seeking, or self justifying. In fact we are strongly reminded, that a church will never grow to its full capacity, if there is not a love for fellowship. The word 'fellowship' is translated from the Greek word, 'koinonia,' meaning... community, communion, joint participation.
It's Not About You
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
In the absence of the big picture, all bible stories and parables can appear to be isolated events that relate to our ongoing needs and aspirations. We may be surprised to discover, that the bible is not a book defining our right to be happy and blessed. Rather, it is a book of history and prophecy that reveals the need to serve and obey God; should any hope of living be of value to us. The reality of living rests on two forces battling for supremacy of life values. On one side is God's word, his power and his revelations. On the other side, is ego driven delusions of superiority, where humans believe they know more than God. They defy or ignore the track record of continuous human failures, even death itself. Jesus revealed the power that would deliver people from death... the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the need to follow its directions in all matters of living and worship. Historically, we are very near the return of Jesus Christ and these notes address the scriptural record relating to this matter.
The Greatest Opportunity Ever
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Many 'experts' over the last 100 years or so, have been blind to remarkable opportunities, because they relied on the limits of natural thinking and biases rather than qualified inspiration. ETERNAL LIFE, the opportunity on offer from God... right now. DEU 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: The difference with God... he offers proof. This choice doesn't depend on blind faith or luck.
The Answer is Ready and Waiting
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Some people are dubious about a God that is not limited by space or time, nor any natural laws. However, the working knowledge of this truth, offers us amazing possibilities. Can you imagine the benefit of knowing the future before it happens, likewise, knowing the thoughts and actions of your enemies and knowing how to access the power to change things that threaten or intimidate us. When we receive the Holy Spirit, we also receive access to the supernatural power that Jesus exercised. JOH 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. This is a very precise revelation that the power that potentially is able to work in us, is also not bound by space or time, or any natural boundaries whatsoever. Jesus is equally alive in the past as he is in the future... thus he is the perfect helper for every situation.
The Other Side to Being Human
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Many of our educators would have us believe that our lives and reason for living, is due to nothing more than accidental and meaningless chance. Our birth is a fortunate coincidence and our death returns us to the void of nothingness. Thankfully, there is another side to the human story, which our modern world prefers to avoid. Your life does have meaning and there is a very good reason for your existence. The most popular book on earth... the Bible... reveals much of what the self proclaimed experts, deny, or choose to ignore.
Our World View
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Whether rich or poor, sick or healthy, young or old; the peoples of this world have no lasting control over the things that they value the most. The first reality is, that their much loved family members have/will all pass away. Secondly, many of their relationships will fail, often multiply and their own children will only last a limited time before they also perish. Meanwhile, they are subject to erratic political changes, their jobs are at the mercy of economic factors beyond their control and their health faces unknown risks. This world is becoming less stable by the minute and real risk factors are increasingly moving beyond human control in almost all areas of life... war is looming everywhere. As dedicated Christians, our future is viewed very differently from the rest of the world. The Holy Spirit has given us options and guarantees beyond the imagination of humanity. Here is a brief overview of what serving God has given us... with all its benefits.
The Evidence and Calling of the Spirit
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
God offers evidence that is based on faith... not always what we want as proof, but tangible evidence, just the same. God's way is to avoid confusion (1Cor 14:33), that is why he offers signs and wonders.
When Something Dies
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Without the death of other living matter, most forms of life on the planet would come to a halt. Plants need nutrients from the soil to grow, just like people also need food. Soil nutrients mostly come from the breakdown of mineral bearing rocks and from organic matter, which comes from the decomposition (death) of plants and animals... an endless cycle. God has revealed that the soul that is in a man is also a form of life, far more distinct than any other life form. Our soul also has a capacity to live... yet its life is not dependent on organic matter, but spiritual. This is where the salvation message revealing the purposes of Christ becomes an essential tool for life after physical death. Something has to die to make life possible... Jesus died so we might live. We need to feed our soul on spiritual food and not natural thinking... ROM 8:13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. If we die to the deceit and demands of ungodly practices (put worldliness to death), then a new life will spring from us and will continue to grow as long as we help it develop
Aspire to Greatness
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
There is a built in mechanism within all men, which drives them to seek for the betterment of their circumstances and quality of life. This begins at birth and motivates the newly born to their first steps, first words, first day at school, etc. Similarly, those who are born again are equally equipped with the desire to seek betterment and perfection, but the difference is that this time, they already have a more mature mind and often have very little natural skills to look to bettering. This necessitates a need for strong disciplines in the spiritual arena to prevent a stunted Christian life. Just as no parent wants to see their children under achieve, neither does God want us to fall short of our basic abilities and blessings.