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Our World View

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Whether rich or poor, sick or healthy, young or old; the peoples of this world have no lasting control over the things that they value the most. The first reality is, that their much loved family members have/will all pass away. Secondly, many of their relationships will fail, often multiply and their own children will only last a limited time before they also perish. Meanwhile, they are subject to erratic political changes, their jobs are at the mercy of economic factors beyond their control and their health faces unknown risks. This world is becoming less stable by the minute and real risk factors are increasingly moving beyond human control in almost all areas of life... war is looming everywhere. As dedicated Christians, our future is viewed very differently from the rest of the world. The Holy Spirit has given us options and guarantees beyond the imagination of humanity. Here is a brief overview of what serving God has given us... with all its benefits.

The Evidence and Calling of the Spirit

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

God offers evidence that is based on faith... not always what we want as proof, but tangible evidence, just the same. God's way is to avoid confusion (1Cor 14:33), that is why he offers signs and wonders.

When Something Dies

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Without the death of other living matter, most forms of life on the planet would come to a halt. Plants need nutrients from the soil to grow, just like people also need food. Soil nutrients mostly come from the breakdown of mineral bearing rocks and from organic matter, which comes from the decomposition (death) of plants and animals... an endless cycle. God has revealed that the soul that is in a man is also a form of life, far more distinct than any other life form. Our soul also has a capacity to live... yet its life is not dependent on organic matter, but spiritual. This is where the salvation message revealing the purposes of Christ becomes an essential tool for life after physical death. Something has to die to make life possible... Jesus died so we might live. We need to feed our soul on spiritual food and not natural thinking... ROM 8:13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. If we die to the deceit and demands of ungodly practices (put worldliness to death), then a new life will spring from us and will continue to grow as long as we help it develop

Aspire to Greatness

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

There is a built in mechanism within all men, which drives them to seek for the betterment of their circumstances and quality of life. This begins at birth and motivates the newly born to their first steps, first words, first day at school, etc. Similarly, those who are born again are equally equipped with the desire to seek betterment and perfection, but the difference is that this time, they already have a more mature mind and often have very little natural skills to look to bettering. This necessitates a need for strong disciplines in the spiritual arena to prevent a stunted Christian life. Just as no parent wants to see their children under achieve, neither does God want us to fall short of our basic abilities and blessings.

The Giving of Thanks

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Trials are good for us, but we understandably, still prefer the concept of blessing and receiving. When trouble strikes we all know how to pray and be diligent, but it is during the good times that our survival is determined... not during the bad. Far too much comfort with so little genuine needs, leaves many church members struggling to live up to their achievable potential... many are like huge trees that have never faced the reality of drought or wind... when tested they quickly wither and risk perishing. This world will fail, because those with the blessing will forget the source of their comfort and instead of giving thanks to God, they will break down the very structure and values that brought them their blessing in the first place.

The Power of God

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The power of God is still made readily available by the indwelling of the holy spirit. It is gifted to those who accept the gospel of Jesus Christ by acting upon its requirements... (repentance, baptism and the anointing of the spirit). Without the effective working of God's power, the miracles signs and wonders start to lose their frequency. Also, truth, wisdom and knowledge are brought into dispute and finally the church falls into a failed state... referred to as 'apostate' (lacking power and credibility). Many Christian churches that are failing today, are doing so because they have lost the courage and desire to promote the power of God as a normal and daily expectation. 2TIM 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. It is both vital and life saving, that the church continues to preach and faithfully expect the power of God to respond to our prayers.

Spirtual Fitness is Essential

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

As humans we all need a level of fitness and expertise to survive life's demands. Those who participate at an elite level, do so to excel in their field. In simple terms, if you want to win the prize, then you have to make the effort to be fit enough to be viable. The Olympic games are a perfect example of such a challenge. The marathon tends to encapsulate the best of the efforts that an elite athlete can make... it is the ultimate medal to win. Like the marathon, we are also preparing ourselves for the greatest event in the history of the human race... the return of Jesus Christ. A level of spiritual fitness and expertise is crucial.

Empowered to Live

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Many members of the animal kingdom have embedded behavioural principles that work for the survival and betterment of their group. Each member has an individual role, yet all members work for the common good at the same time. Both the animal kingdom and the human race are genetically driven to live and act according to inbuilt dictates. However, there is a spiritual side to life that offers much more than natural living and increase. This is where the bible and the power of the Holy Spirit (made available by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ), comes into effect. Spiritual principles differ from natural lusts and needs... one determines a lifelong benefit, while the other meets short term and short lived needs. The bible offers a genetic code for living, but it is spiritually and not carnally based; it manages life for eternity, not just for the next passing whim.

God Has Already Made the Rules

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The human race has notably and frequently gone outside the boundaries that God has defined as safe and life producing. God doesn't need us to form a church based on our beliefs; rather he chooses us through our humble obedience and builds his own church regardless of our opinions. God's plan is more powerful than our perceptions, not limited to our mindset and far greater than our religious comprehension. He makes the rules, he builds the church, he provides the signs, miracles and wonders they are not our call to make, but his. We can say whatever we like, but God's actions speak louder than ours. 1JOH 5:9 If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: God's evidence overrules our beliefs... no matter what. Blind faith doesn't work with God... true faith comes with signs following...God has ordained it to be so and wants us to conform accordingly.

The Right People for the Right Time

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

God has a plan for us, that's far greater than any doubt or fear that we might face during our natural life. We have been chosen as the right people for this particular age. It is our time... right now. Every living thing that is born upon the earth, has a genetic code already built in. This gives all life the potential to flourish and maximise their existence. However, humans have much greater potential, because we have a spiritual side to us as well. With good nourishment and a healthy life style we can do well physically, but it's the spirit that needs the correct input, because it carries the greatest opportunity for life. Once the Holy Spirit enters our body, it encodes our soul to keep developing to the extent of God's purposes... just like the genetic development of our bodies. God is all seeing and all knowing, thus we are shaped to meet today's needs

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