By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 23rd January 2024.When God offers you an amazing opportunity but you do not know how to do it; make your mind up to step out in faith... then ask God how to do it.! The word 'opportunity' was a term first used by sailors of wind driven ships and had a particular application. Its main usage came when the wind changed its direction and started to blow towards the harbour. This was the best time to head for safe and controlled mooring.
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 19th January 2024. Testimonies, Scriptures, Helpful directions, and Blessings.
Calming The Storm
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 7th January 2024 There are many types of storms... there are those that are related to the weather: even our sun produces storms that cause havoc here on earth. There are emotional storms and relationship storms and health storms, etc. Every part of life is made up of many challenging moments... storms can appear without warning, often doing great damage and sometimes claiming lives. Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is able to lead us safely through all of life's storms.
Gifts For The Unworthy
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 17th December 2023. The nature of gift giving in the western world stems from concepts clearly established in the bible. From the scriptural point of view, Creation, Life, Eternal life are all gifts that no one is ever worthy of. This is simply the nature of God... the giver of gifts. The gifts given to Jesus by the Magi (wise men), represented the destiny he would fulfill as the Son of God... these gifts were also symbolic of the gifts he would grant us... the unworthy.
Uncomfortable Truths
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 26th November and on 3rd December 2023. When Paul wrote his letter to the Corinthian church, he touched on many things that they were not aware of, or had missed in their priorities to serve God. Some of God's purposes were confused with their own ambitions. The following scriptures reveal a variety of scriptural truths that most people may not be aware of... some comfortable and some not so comfortable.
Keys To Overcoming
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 31st October 2023. In the near future, the world as we know it will cease to exist. This will result from the international disobedience to God's principles. The disciplines and the laws that have held the nations together, or those that have kept nations in God's blessings will all have disappeared. Lawlessness will get worse and worse, crime will run out of control, international problems will become so complex that there will be no resolution at all. The bible even reveals that the natural world will deliver some huge problems of its own. Nuclear war, germ warfare, terrorism, volcanic activity, polar reversal, asteroid impact, massive earthquakes, severe tidal waves, are all potential destroyers of our planet... the prophecies of God indicate that many of these possibilities are going to happen soon and suddenly... who is going to survive. The good news is that all who wish to escape what is coming, are free to do so. The bible is the only book of prophecy on earth, which starts before humans were on earth and ends after they have left it, that gives us any answers.
Don't Repair The Curtain
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 29th October 2023.The temple curtain separated the Holy Spirit from the people due to their sins. Only the high priest could enter, once a year, for the sins and ongoing blessings of the people. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ gave people the ability to access the holy spirit and its blessings, without the need for separation (the veil was torn in half).
The Day The Earth Stops
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 08th October 2023.In the 1860s, a 'dead line' within or around a prison. Prisoners would be shot for crossing the 'dead line'. However, the sense of a deadline that is most commonly found today ("a date or time before which something must be done") did not begin to see use until the early 20th century. A newer translation has come about in recent history where it has taken another meaning.We are all confronted with deadlines. Bills must be paid, licenses renewed, tax returns filed... the list goes on and on. Despite the different meanings, one deadline is of supreme importance. It is one we all face.
If It Can Be Destroyed By The Truth It Should Be!
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 10th September 2023.Part 1. Today, we live in an age of increasing madness where just about any stupidity can be called truth... and people believe them. Lack of integrity and tested truth are obvious to many, but how many dare challenge such foolishness? God already warned the West (the descendants of Abraham) that these troubles were coming.
Using Wisdom As God Intended
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
This article talks about the importance of using wisdom as God intended. The article explains that wisdom is a gift from the Spirit that helps us make good decisions and leads to stability, growth, and contentment. It emphasizes that seeking wisdom from God is far better than relying on luck or chance. The article also discusses how wisdom leads to spiritual wealth and reveals the root cause of sin, which is the love of money. It explains that financial discipline, such as giving through tithes and offerings, is essential to minimize sin and care for the church. The article highlights the value of effective leaders and the principle of storing treasures in heaven rather than on earth. It also mentions that faith is something we practice, not just agree with, and that seeking wisdom and exercising faith brings God's blessing. The article warns against being double-minded and trying to serve both God and worldly desires. It gives the example of Ananias and Saphira who lost their lives because they lacked wisdom and became greedy. It concludes by urging readers to seek wisdom, submit to God, resist the devil, and direct their priorities towards God's wisdom.