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From Babel to Paradise

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

God placed Adam and Eve in a perfect place called paradise. They were given simple instructions on how to live forever, but they chose poorly. Death overtook them and has done so to every person ever since. James wrote... JAM 2:26 "the body without the spirit is dead". Without God's spirit (that is what was forfeited in the Eden paradise)... the body will certainly die. The same vital choices of life or death remain with us today.

God's Peace - The Key to Blessing and Joy

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Despite loud and repeated appeals, this world has no capacity, nor desire to develop true and lasting peace. Sustainable peace is a God given fruit of the Spirit and only those who accept and apply the truths of the bible, can enjoy its life changing blessing. Sadly, many Christians don't grasp what God's peace is, nor do they know how to find it. PHI 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Peace is a state of existence, not an emotion nor a feeling: God's peace is beyond natural or rational thoughts or actions... it is only possible and acquired through scriptural obedience, by those who have been anointed with the Holy Spirit and continue to be led of it.

Survival of the Fittest

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Despite ungodly theories promoted by evolutionists, the concept of survival of the fittest is a sound biblical doctrine. Evolutionary theory (natural selection) teaches... 'struggle for life in which only those organisms best adapted to mutate or reproduce in existing conditions are able to survive.' All life holds no purpose, nor reason for its existence. God defines life as much more than physical existence.

The Price Has Been Paid Regardless

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The Abrahamic based (single God of bible fame) religions of this world, make up nearly half the worlds population. Christianity 2.1 billion, Islam 1.5 billion and the Jewish faith 14 million. Most Christians are apostate in the sense that they don't rely upon the power of God which Jesus made available in their daily lives. Islam agrees that Jesus lived, but don’t respect nor understand the role that he offers this world; while the Jews comprehensively deny the person of Christ and the New Testament writings that resulted from his ministry. These religions offer many false choices when it comes to salvation and Godly living; but as a rule, they don’t accept nor take advantage of the price Christ paid for them. The complete Bible offers Christians doctrine, in the same way that the Koran and Torah of the Old Testament, do for the Muslims and Jews. However doctrine without evidence or signs is merely a source of unproven opinions of historic origins. God's true church not only offers doctrine, but genuine, God given signs and wonders... this leaves man made doctrine exposed for what it is. As a rule, the three religious descendants of Abraham don't take advantage of the price Christ paid for them. Their church and faith is built upon doctrine without the visible power and working of the Holy Spirit... which power is still available regardless of their choices.

That is not Fair!

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisban]

Children frequently and loudly proclaim that events or decisions are unfair. Their value system is immature and blind to many of the realities of life and balanced decision making. Likewise, many adults see Christian principles as unfair or unacceptable, with many Christians themselves wrestling over scriptural principles they find 'old fashioned' or too painful to contemplate. The simple reality is that God has always elevated the common good, higher than our personal ambitions, because his values include many aspects of life and death that the human race is totally incapable of considering. The following verses give a simple but balanced approach that reveal why God’s priorities may differ from ours.

Born of God

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Every human birth is the result of a fertilized egg comprised of both male and female genes developing to maturity. The unique gene combination determines almost every aspect of your physical makeup... skin, hair and eye colour, facial features, body shape, potential life span, etc. Not only do you inherit a mixed combination of genetic strengths and weaknesses of your parents; you also are shaped emotionally and intellectually by their input during your developing years (this determines your character and values you will exercise as an adult). In normal circumstances, you will also benefit from the acquired wealth and experience of your parents and will ultimately receive your share of their life's work... this is your inheritance.

Windows of Opportunity

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The bible indicates that windows of spiritual opportunity are very rarely accepted and are only available for short periods of time. The problem isn't the windows themselves, but rather with the speed that humans get distracted when faced with powerful truths. This observation is consistent with many natural truths as well... Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened

Our Life is Our Life

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Our life is a composite of the things which we do every day... the actions we take, the things we say, the things we involve ourselves in. The conduct of daily living, the company we keep and our attitude all combine together to make us who we are… and who we are seen to be. Many people have aspirations, hopes, dreams and ideals, but they are not seen unless they are exercised... these are not your life unless you live them. In simple terms, the things which you want to do and would like to be, have no bearing on who you really are. People are not mind readers, nor do good intentions automatically qualify us as good people. We are not who we think we are, but we are who we have become. The Lord (even life itself) requires actions not thoughts, he requires deeds not just promises, he needs participants not spectators. Eternal life is the result that comes for those who live according to an eternal lifestyle, not the reward for good intentions, unspoken prayers, unfulfilled commitments, etc. Our life style determines our life, or it is our death... the choice is very personal and we make it every day.

The Adventure of a Lifetime

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The greatest secret in the universe is the value of the living soul... there are two aspects to life, not just the body. Satan is jealous of God and wants this world for himself... he will bring about total annihilation unless he is stopped. People have been blinded to this fact, because the sworn enemy of their creator and father, wants this world to worship him. This is achieved through lies, deceit and distractions, which continually focus on the pleasures of the body, while hiding the potential inheritance offered for the souls of all men. God is looking for people who are willing to take on the most exciting and daring role ever offered to any human... to save the lives of those threatened by the death of the soul. Most people won’t face the reality of physical death, let alone the death of the soul; it is the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about.

Why Have You Forsaken Me?

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

As is often the case with bible stories, there is more being revealed than what appears on the surface. When Jesus uttered the words 'my God, my God, why have you forsaken me' he was doing much more than lamenting his fate. Jesus was quoting the first and identifying line of Psalm 22... a thousand year old prophecy that would pinpoint the identity of the true Messiah. Until this time, the Psalms were known by the opening words, as the verses and chapters were not yet applied (chapters 13th century and verses 16th century approx.,). Jesus effectively identified that he was the one that Psalm 22 referred to and that the details surrounding his death, also matched the contents of the Psalm.

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