Take the Advantage While You Can
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
The concept of making hay while the sun shines is also a scriptural principle, that relates to taking advantages while they are there. Many people hear the true gospel, but for one reason or another, don’t respond, or put off the opportunity before them. Salvation will not always be available and perhaps of greater concern, the willingness to respond when the opportunity arises is most often missing. Thus there are two problems relating to every blessing God offers us. The first problem relates to identifying the blessing and the second, relates to being in the right frame of mind to act upon it. The bible seems to indicate that the second problem is greater than the first, especially for spirit filled people.
Revealing the Hidden Truth
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Getting understanding about true Christian salvation, is far from being an easy task and it can only come from clear scriptural awareness. Many rely upon isolated scriptures or traditional family/religious beliefs... but this is not a safe way to go, if you want a provable guarantee of eternal life. As always, the best way to learn anything is by studying the detailed scriptures on the desired subject. This we will do and see what the experts of the day had to say about this important topic. The Spirit will always reveal and confirm the truth.
The Gospel and Coming Judgment
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Our church has never been ashamed of the greatest scriptural, yet controversial truth, which reveals God's real intentions for the human race. Nor are we afraid to remain faithful to the controversial gospel message of repentance, water baptism and spirit baptism = salvation. Many are falling victim to the pressures of 'Political Correctness' and are more interested in promoting short-sighted religious/social issues, rather than spiritually beneficial truths.
The Lord Knows How to Get Things Done
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Many people make the mistake of judging God's ability, by their own inability to get a response from God. There is no need to fear, nor get frustrated if things aren't going your way. God knows how to get things done and the instructions are clearly defined in the bible. A bit of faith, a willing and humble heart, the ability to learn and things start to happen.
Failure is a Choice, Not an Accident
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Many of life's failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up' -Thomas Edison. Many people desire to succeed in life, but fail. This is often the result of giving in to pressure or weakness, because there is no guarantee of success in this world. However, God has actually assured us that we cannot fail...unless we chose to. How is this possible? After all, that is what the Gospel is all about. The only way to fail God's promises, is by choosing to reject them.
Up Front and Personal
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Every aspect of our relationship with God is personal, just as every aspect of his relationship with us is personal. As a result of this reality, he considers every aspect of our lives and every manner of our strengths and weaknesses. This results in a comprehensive list of advice and encouragement that allows us to make the most of the Holy Spirit, our fellowship with each other and the duties of the Gospel.
A Little Can Mean a Lot
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Many people keep away from Christianity because they believe that they have to spend twenty four hours a day, in hard labour serving God. It is true that we serve the Lord, but it is not true that it is hard labour, nor is it true to suggest that everything we do is what God wants and not what we want. The simple reality is that all the things we desire in life, God also desires that we have them. The difference is in the manner we go about achieving our life's ambitions. God has given us the easiest possible way to have a happy and contented life, with all of our basic needs met. He also includes life after death in a far superior body than the one we now dwell in... that's not all that bad for starters. To achieve any of life's goals, there has to be a certain amount of sacrifice... you have to give up some short term pleasures to receive long term benefits. This is the area where God is able to bless us the most. A little sacrifice brings an immediate benefit... many little sacrifices will result in much more than we can imagine.
Surviving the Coming Judgement
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
There are extreme forces and powers in the solar system, but we are protected from most of them by natural counterbalances. Extremes of heat, cold and radiation are balanced by natural insulation that stop these forces destroying all life. The human race has adapted some of the powers of nature for their benefit. Electricity is one such wonder... despite its uses, it can be fatal if it is not insulated from direct human exposure. There is another force that is not talked about all that often and that is the power of God. The bible reveals that this power is going to judge the earth and those in it. However, there is a way to avoid judgment and live forever... that is the purpose of the gospel. The following scriptures reveal how to avoid judgment and how to safely use the available power.
The Gifts of the Spirit Explained
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
This presentation promotes and reveals the relevant promises which God has made, to all those that will receive his salvation (the Holy Spirit). The Holy Spirit is that part of God which was promised to all those that would believe, and receive his Gospel. This Spirit is the same supernatural force that enabled all the miracles and wonders in the Old Testament, and was also the same source of power which Jesus used in his miracle packed ministry. The Holy Spirit is the promised gift of God, which will still be given to all those that will be obedient to the salvation Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Bible...Directory of Life
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
The Bible is much more than a religious book of writings... it is the inspired thoughts and directions of God in written format. It is available to all, not just a select group. Better still, it works for all those who apply its directions.