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Articles 321 - 330 of 431 for Talks

Keys to Real Treasure

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The biggest challenge for today's church is that it confuses the keys with the treasure, because they are devoid of clear understanding. Many are claiming salvation because they know some of the keys, which they mistakenly believe is the treasure. It is the job of the real church to reveal the difference between the two. Let's separate the keys from the treasure (salvation).

Keeping the Fire Alight

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

One of the greatest challenges facing today's church is that it confuses the wood with the fire, because they are often not clearly taught about the anointing fire of the Holy Spirit. It is the job of God’s people to reveal the difference between the two. Let’s differentiate between the wood (our actions) from the fire (God's Spirit)

Moving Past Fear and Doubt

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Many Christians do not know what it is to be at complete rest with God. With God's ways seemingly being far beyond our grasp, many cannot find peace or contentment... confidence is far from them. Many of the shortcomings of life lead people to believe that they are not good enough nor worthy to be part of God's family, nor do they believe that they will ever overcome this world... this is wrong, God has a much better plan with many built in advantages.

The Holy Spirit

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Well meaning Christians have turned this topic of the Holy Spirit into a fruit salad of concepts, dogmas, opinions, ideology and theology; with many of their conclusions limiting the Word of God and hindering the knowledge of bible salvation. If we want expert opinion on matters of doctrine, we need to turn to the experts.... those who God inspired to write the bible. We read in Revelation 22:18-19 of the unchanging "Word", which can neither be added to, nor taken from. These words were spoken by Jesus himself who is identified in Heb 13:8, "to be the same yesterday, today and forever". Today we will investigate the Holy Spirit and its life saving capacities from the scriptures.

Dusty Feet

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

It is very interesting that the Lord would use the simple subject of our feet, to reveal some very interesting, Spiritual points. The following scriptures and comments reveal the insight that can be gained by studying specific metaphors contained in God's Word. God equates the natural use of our feet with our walk in the Lord.

The Battle for the Soul

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The battle for the soul was first lost in the Garden of did it come about? In the beginning God created man to rule and have dominion over the earth. After Satan was cast out of heaven to the earth, he tempted Eve in the garden (temptation is not a sin... Jesus was also tempted but he didn't sin as a result). However, Adam and Eve failed because they yielded to the temptation. As a result of this, they handed their authority over the earth to Satan (who was later referred to as the "god of this world" [2 COR 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them]). The battle for reclaiming the soul of man began afresh after Adam and Eve were forced out of the garden and into the world. Satan had intruded into God's territory... now God was going to intrude into his.

The Joy of The Lord

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The joy of the Lord is a fruit of the Spirit that grows and develops from the application and commitment of spiritual principles. It is not the joy that comes from short term moments of pleasure or positive gains. The joy of the Lord is a positive attitude that we take onboard once we receive the Holy Spirit and choose to live by its power. The joy of the Lord is actually a chosen state of existence for those who are confident in their salvation and are not always seeking 'blessings' to try and validate their existence.

The Battle is the Lord's

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

God makes an offers to the whole world, which would allow them to stop struggling and to let him guide their life. This is made possible through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The new Christian life is simplified by understanding the ongoing battle between good and evil. However, there needs to be an understanding of what God means by good and evil. Good and evil are not moralistic nor social values... they are principles pertaining to spiritual life and death. Thus good, means something which helps life and evil means something which helps death. Many struggle under the weight of battle, but the scripture reminds us that the battle is not ours, it is God's.

The Greatest Motivator of All... Respect

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The greatest battle we will ever face as a Christian; is the fight to maintain the wisdom that God has given us. The challenge is between God's values and ours, God's will and our will, God's truth verses our natural understanding. There is only solution that guarantees the result that we all pray for... and God who knows the end even before the beginning has given us this wonderful solution... BUILD RESPECT FOR GOD.

Real Hope for Real People

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

This topic will reveal the true extent by which God is willing to work with us and work through us. We will also confirm the vital facts that relate to the significance of the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We are real people of God and we have a real hope based on a real gospel. God has lovingly revealed the extent of this reality more clearly than we might realise.

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