By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Everyone desires happiness, security, good health and a loving family, but almost everyone in the world fails to achieve these goals. The human race has been the same since its beginnings; every culture, every race and every society out of every era, has been seeking after these attributes. Not only do most people fail to achieve a quality of life; death comes along and robs them of their whole life's work. Where do they go to next? The human race normally avoids any thought or preparations relating to death. It is like a worldwide game of 'make-believe' where they simply pretend that it doesn't matter. The vast majority of people act like the ostrich... by burying their heads in the 'pleasures' of this world and hoping that all their troubles will mysteriously go away. Jesus came to the earth to refresh mankind, revealing why they have a new life through the provision of God. His words related to both now and the life after Christ's return. He established His expertise in these matters by performing countless miracles. These signs provided the evidence of the truth about the Gospel that He preached. Amazingly, most people turned their backs, preferring their dead end religious practices or their ignorance, in preference to the miracles, signs and wonders that were being put forward. Unfortunately things are no better today; the vast majority have nothing but excuses
The Good Samaritan
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Samaritans were considered a low class of people by the Jews since they had intermarried with non-Jews and did not keep all the law. Thus the Jews normally would have nothing to do with them. We do not know if the injured man was a Jew or Gentile, but it made no difference to the Samaritan, he did not consider the man's race or religion. The 'Good Samaritan' saw only a person in urgent need of assistance and assist him he did, above and beyond the scriptural requirements.
The Parable of the Cup
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Most people have no knowledge of the essential saving power of the Holy Spirit. Even fewer have any knowledge of the most important parable relating to our overcoming abilities. The parable of the cup reveals these great mysteries and empowers us to do remarkably well in our walk in the Lord.
The Wind and the Spirt
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
The Spirit of God has intrigued mankind for around six thousand years and yet most people are still none the wiser to the fundamental principles involved. In Genesis 1:2 God sets the principle in action... "And the Spirit" (wind) "of God moved upon the face of the waters". Suddenly this breath of God is no longer just an inarticulate, blowing... it forms words. The same breath that produces wind, now creates language, just as our breath gets formed into words by our throat and tongue. "And God said"... is the Spirit's breath that articulates God's purpose. God speaks eight times and these eight sentences speak a world into being, the heavens and the earth, all the creatures and finally the first man and woman into which God breathes the breath of life... his own Spirit. First there is formlessness and chaos, then the breath of the Spirit speaks a new creation into being. This familiar pattern appears all through the Bible.
A Gospel For Everyone
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Life starts with expectations and dreams of great things. However, time reveals that many hopes cannot be achieved. Power, wealth and happiness do not come readily, nor are they easy to keep. Many have come to realise that their life is not going in the direction that they had hoped for. Very few ever attain their dreams and even fewer exceed them. To make matters worse, life itself is running away from us every minute of the day. No matter how well we succeed, or how poorly we fail... life ends anyway; without remedy. This is a great time to introduce the Gospel of Jesus Christ... he promises success for all those who faithfully follow him. He specialises in blessing the people who have struggled and failed the most. The less you have the more he gives.
Ray Stedman Tongues Refuted
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Pastor Brad refutes some arguments about tongues that have been put forth by Ray Stedman
Taking up the Challenge
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
A study on the topic of salvation reveals much more than finding favour with God and being in a spiritually safe position. It also includes a willingness to step out in faith and let God reveal the unseen opportunities and blessings, which can only come through a solid commitment to serving the Lord. We are challenged by Christ to step out and live by the power of the New Testament, which we all have inherited through faith.
Disappointment - The Fruit of Ignorance
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
For the average church member, disappointment is often the result of not understanding one of the most common of all bible principles. The Christian life is made up of two principle commitments... to love (serve) God with all our hearts and minds and secondly to love (serve) our fellow brethren with the same zeal as ourselves. Neither can be separated from the other. Disappointments arise when our expectations or hopes are not met, likewise joy returns when the opposite is true. PRO 13:12 "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life".Disappointments multiply when we forget that we are all serving and being served by God. Instead, our lives can be dominated by the actions and weaknesses of men, rather than God's strengths (this is can be equally true from within and without the church). Paul understood this great truth and expanded the principle in his letter to the church at Rome.
The Power of Your Testimony
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Many spirit filled people have very little knowledge of the potential and power of the spoken word. The Holy Spirit is power...2TIM 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind". The power of the spirit is just not found in the obvious miracles that people might imagine: the greatest work of the spirit is the power it has to affect the minds of men and women everywhere. HEB 4:12 "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart". You may notice that this scripture outlines the real power of the spoken word...it is more than words. Let’s investigate this principle within the written word of God, the bible.
Empty Vessels Hold Nothing
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
The bible tells us that our bodies are vessels for our spirit... that the spirit is the vital part of our existence and not the body. Unfortunately, most people do everything that brings pleasure to the vessel and do very little to address the real issues of life. It is the spirit that is the crucial factor in all the events and experiences of life. Mankind has it back to front, they focus on satisfying the wrong aspect of their existence. They never find lasting happiness, nor do they ever understand what it is like to be at peace with the world. Many are so busy trying to fill their vessel with pleasure, they never discover the true value of their spirit. The spirit has the opportunity to live forever; the body doesn't. Without the knowledge of God and the purpose of our existence, we are nothing but an empty vessel waiting for our time to run out.