Gods Of Death
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 24th March 2024. We live in a world where people get to invent the Gods of their choice... but cannot handle the evidence.
Walking In The Spirit
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 25th February 2024. Many people do not know what it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit and of those who are filled with the spirit, even fewer understand what it means to walk in the spirit. See also the notes on 'True Salvation Is Built On Signs' (27th August 2023).
Scriptural Signs And Symbols
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 18th February 2024. The Bible is full of God given signs and symbols that are often used to identify prophetic truths, prophetic dates and seasons, spiritual truths and metaphors, etc. These signs and symbols are often reflected in creation itself, thus taking on a dual role of natural functionality and spiritual metaphor at the same time. There are also supernatural signs and wonders that God uses to give credibility to spiritual truths and promises. In this age of the Spirit, Jesus spoke of the signs which would identify the believers. They included speaking in tongues, the voice gifts in the meetings, healings, etc. This brief study will address a few signs and symbols that relate to astronomical and heavenly symbols.
Stepping Out In Faith
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 4th February 2024. Many of us understand the concept of stepping out in faith, but many fear they will weaken, make mistakes or be ignored by God. Abraham and Sarah are a good example for us to follow... they were guilty of all the above and more!
Pentecost In Church History
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
A look through church history demonstrates that the Pentecostal experience did not end with the apostles, on or soon after the day of Pentecost, they received the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues (Acts 2).
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 23rd January 2024.When God offers you an amazing opportunity but you do not know how to do it; make your mind up to step out in faith... then ask God how to do it.! The word 'opportunity' was a term first used by sailors of wind driven ships and had a particular application. Its main usage came when the wind changed its direction and started to blow towards the harbour. This was the best time to head for safe and controlled mooring.
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 19th January 2024. Testimonies, Scriptures, Helpful directions, and Blessings.
Calming The Storm
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 7th January 2024 There are many types of storms... there are those that are related to the weather: even our sun produces storms that cause havoc here on earth. There are emotional storms and relationship storms and health storms, etc. Every part of life is made up of many challenging moments... storms can appear without warning, often doing great damage and sometimes claiming lives. Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is able to lead us safely through all of life's storms.
Gifts For The Unworthy
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 17th December 2023. The nature of gift giving in the western world stems from concepts clearly established in the bible. From the scriptural point of view, Creation, Life, Eternal life are all gifts that no one is ever worthy of. This is simply the nature of God... the giver of gifts. The gifts given to Jesus by the Magi (wise men), represented the destiny he would fulfill as the Son of God... these gifts were also symbolic of the gifts he would grant us... the unworthy.
Uncomfortable Truths
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 26th November and on 3rd December 2023. When Paul wrote his letter to the Corinthian church, he touched on many things that they were not aware of, or had missed in their priorities to serve God. Some of God's purposes were confused with their own ambitions. The following scriptures reveal a variety of scriptural truths that most people may not be aware of... some comfortable and some not so comfortable.