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Articles 401 - 410 of 446 for Talks

BRF 4 True Stories Pamphlet (Green)

By Brisbane Revival Fellowship [Brisbane]

An green invitation leaflet, showing our beliefs and some testimonies

BRF 4 True Stories Pamphlet (Purple)

By Brisbane Revival Fellowship [Brisbane]

A purple invitation leaflet, showing our beliefs and some testimonies

Face to Face With Reality

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk Notes : "The door was opened to overcoming death... we were given an opportunity to live a life filled with God’s blessing and of life giving resources... God gave us the powers to ensure our survival."

The Voice Gifts

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

How the voice gifts operate in the Church. Desire to edify your brethren.

What God Wants Done

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk Notes : "Many see God as a supreme dictator who demands that we humans blindly obey his every whim, while at the same time ignoring our own desires and needs. God certainly wants to lead us, but not as a dictator and certainly not as spoiler of joyful living."

The Bible - Directory Of Life

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk Notes : "The Bible is much more than a religious book of writings... it is the inspired thoughts and directions of God in written format. It is available to all, not just a select group. Better still, it works for all those who apply its directions."

Through Eyes Of Faith

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk Notes : "There are three ways that faith is built... the first is through prayer... the second is through reading and hearing God’s word... the third is through doing the things which God has recommended. We overcome our mortality as we apply all three"

The Modern Church

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk Notes : "Numerous churches are responding to contemporary values by offering more style than substance... congregations are being offered ‘feel good’ ministry rather than ‘do good’ ministry.

A Gospel For Everyone

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk Notes : "Life starts with expectations and dreams of great things. However, time reveals that many hopes cannot be achieved....This is a great time to introduce the Gospel of Jesus Christ... he promises success for all those who faithfully follow him"

A Whisper In The Dark

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

When we came to the church, we were introduced to a whole new world of signs, miracles and wonders. Our powerless lives were immediately transformed, we were speaking in tongues, amazing changes began to take place, both in our lives and the lives of other church members. A steady build up of God’s blessings served to motivate people to greater heights and expectations... then the unexpected happened... God seemed to ignore us for no known reason!

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