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Articles 401 - 410 of 431 for Talks

The Hireling

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk Notes "Many Christians are frustrated with the difficulties of trying to save souls and produce increase for their church. Many new converts don’t last long and leave without grasping hold of many of the great blessings that God is offering. Is there a solution?"

Calming the Storm

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk Notes "Every facet of life is made up of many challenging moments... storms can appear without warning, often doing great damage and sometimes claiming lives. Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit is able to lead us to safety through all of life’s storms."

The Wind and the Spirit

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk Notes "First the formlessness, chaos, nothingness, upon which the wind/Spirit of God blows. Then the breath of the Spirit becomes God's word that speaks a new creation into being. This familiar pattern appears all through the Bible. The New Testament also details these principles"

The Ultimate Choice

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk Notes "However, there is one choice that is far reaching and much more important than any other choice you will make in your lifetime. It decides how long we will exist as a living being... it is the ultimate choice!!"

Staying Saved By

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk Notes "How do we stay saved? If we are saved by receiving the power of God, then it is clear that we stay saved by using the power of God. "

Saved By?

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk notes- "Today we will look at the many scriptures which are claimed to identify Christian salvation. Do they stand alone or do they need to be put into context with the rest of the gospel accounts?"

Abundant Life

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk notes. "Jesus has revealed many of the mysteries that allow us to dramatically improve the quality of our life....and take control"

Above All Things

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk Notes "The term ‘above all things’ is mentioned four times in the King James version of the Bible. The significance of such terminology instructs us to set priorities... with these four commands taking the top four positions on the Christians ‘must do’ list. "


By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Talk Notes "But what about today? Who will love and work with new Christians and help them grow spiritually strong? Who will encourage, guide, and model the truth for them? Who will call young believers to accountability and work with God to help mould their character?"

You are the Man

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

How did David end up in the mess he got himself into? What were the small steps he took that led to his sin? How can we use his example to avoid temptation today?

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