Saved By?
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Talk notes- "Today we will look at the many scriptures which are claimed to identify Christian salvation. Do they stand alone or do they need to be put into context with the rest of the gospel accounts?"
Abundant Life
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Talk notes. "Jesus has revealed many of the mysteries that allow us to dramatically improve the quality of our life....and take control"
Above All Things
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Talk Notes "The term ‘above all things’ is mentioned four times in the King James version of the Bible. The significance of such terminology instructs us to set priorities... with these four commands taking the top four positions on the Christians ‘must do’ list. "
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Talk Notes "But what about today? Who will love and work with new Christians and help them grow spiritually strong? Who will encourage, guide, and model the truth for them? Who will call young believers to accountability and work with God to help mould their character?"
You are the Man
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
How did David end up in the mess he got himself into? What were the small steps he took that led to his sin? How can we use his example to avoid temptation today?
Paul and his Journeys - Part 10 Paul Gives his Testimony in Jerusalem
By C Howard [Brisbane]
Another article in the Paul and his journeys series.
The Deceitfulness of Sin
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Talk Notes : - "These reasons for sin have one result... they threaten our relationship with God and need to be removed. This is done through the knowledge of right and wrong and the application of repentance and forgiveness."
Steal No More
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Talk Notes - "It is not surprising that God tells us not to steal any longer, but it is quite an eye opener when we look at some spiritual truths about theft and its consequences."
Worry and Anxiety
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Talk Notes "The following scriptures give us a brief outline of God's advice when we find that anxiety and worry threaten us. There is no human condition which God hasn't been able to identify and offer a safe and lasting solution."
The Battle is the Lord's
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Talk Notes "Good and evil are not moralistic nor social values... they are principles pertaining to life and death. Thus good, means good for life and evil, means good for death. Many struggle under the weight of battle, but the scripture reminds us that the battle is not ours, it is God’s"