Paul and his Journeys - Part 2 Post Conversion Paul
By C Howard [Brisbane]
Another article in the 'Paul and his Journeys' series.
Paul and his Journeys Part 1 - The Upbringing and Conversion of Saul
By C Howard [Brisbane]
Part of the 'Paul and his Journeys' series
Names In The Gospels
By C Howard [Brisbane]
A family-tree diagram showing the people of the gospels, and their relationship to each other and to Jesus
Ready or Not?
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Taln Notes " Bible prophecy and chronology places us at a time of great upheaval and impending nuclear war. The contents of bible prophecy predict the total loss of all human life on the planet, excepting for the return of Jesus Christ. There is only one sure way of escape prophesied in the bible, yet most people will perish because they refuse to take the time and effort to listen to the total of what God says. He is coming back whether you are ready or not!"
All Speaking In Tongues At Once (One Pager)
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
One thing needs to be clarified right from the start...the bible doesn't accuse the Corinthian church of all speaking in tongues at once. That is right; the bible very clearly, does not accuse them of all speaking in tongues at the same time during the voice gifts. This is the common mistake that most people make. The following observations reveal Paul's real point of concern.
The Toronto Blessing - Contrived or Real?
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
The phenomenon known as the 'Toronto Blessing' has crept into many Pentecostal churches. However, are its practices scriptural? This indepth article sheds some light on what many consider to be a confusing topic.