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Articles 61 - 70 of 446 for Talks

Let God Open Your Eyes

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

It should not be surprising that the creator of the universe wants to reveal himself to his creation. If we pray for God to open people's eyes, we have a further tool for self development; to build up people in the church and to open the hearts of the unbelievers. However, we need to make sure our eyes are open before we can open the eyes of others.

You Are Not Who You Say You Are

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

In our modern world, there is a destructive trend called 'identity politics': where people are encouraged to bypass rational thought, make unscientific choices about who or what they think they are. This is foolish and has extended into gender, sport, business, law and order, etc. Much of our social order is breaking down, allowing confusion and crime to escalate rapidly. People may feel free to make their choices on the earth... but there are spiritual consequences. Lets have a look at God's view on all these modern points of debate.

Strengthening The Church

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The best way to strengthen the church is to be strong yourself and to set an example for others to follow. Our calling is to do the will of God... that is where the blessing is. If this world is more appealing to us then we cannot move ahead. Prayer followed by small steps will always bring the best outcome.

The Mercies Of David Explained

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The following is a short study on the introduction of mercy and forgiveness outside the Law. You may be surprised at the clarity of understanding that was available well before Christ's sacrifice on the cross.

Your Gold And Silver Are Cankered

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The book of James identifies the prophetic peoples of the latter times. The total economic failure of the latter times and the failure of the western nations which will lead to the fiery judgement of God.

Kingmakers Of The Temples

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The temple was the only place on earth where God and the people could meet safely. Both of these meeting places were made possible by two sons of David, both kings... Solomon and Jesus. Both of these men were mentored and trained by kingmakers, before they were able to go bring about their chosen blessings.

When Help Is Needed

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

Both the saved and unsaved have a common problem... we both need God's help. The unsaved have their own problems... Firstly, they are spiritually dead. Followed by that they are all normal failings, fear and needs that all spirit filled people face.

Bible Facts

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

The following is a list of interesting facts relating to the Bible and its makeup.

Stupid By Choice

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King Jr (1964). He stated this great truth in relationship to the religious and national ignorance towards the African American peoples and other minorities.Conscientious stupidity means that people are purposely choosing to live in error, or to believe untruths and misinformation, at the expense of provable reality. This has been the choice of mankind towards God for the extent of Bible history and is even more relevant today. Not only do minorities suffer as a result; the whole human race suffers under the same delusion. The reality of physical and spiritual death faces all of us, but those who hold power tend to dominate the weak rather than help them. God has been trying to awaken humanity to the false reality and the wilful ignorance that they have chosen... he offers them life in far greater abundance than they could ever imagine. This is where our role comes in as spirit filled ambassadors... we have proof.

A Bit About God's Nature

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]

God is the same at all times and never changes. When Jesus came on the ministry scene, he also had the same nature as God... Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. As time passed, God has been able to bring in better covenants that are more effective than others. This is due to the gains and opportunities made by faithful men and women. After the death and resurrection of Christ, God had a mechanism for continually providing the bulk of his desired blessings for all humanity... the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Interestingly, God has always offered mankind the same types of blessings, but he never had a consistent and effective way of doing so. God's nature has never changed... as the following verses indicate.

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