Essential Miracles
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 12/1/2025
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 12th January 2025. The Holy Spirit (supernatural power of God) has been the essential source of life from the very beginning. The first miracle enjoyed by mankind was the contents of the fruit from the tree of life... it made eternal possible due to the miraculous life forces it contained. After the fall of man, the Holy Spirit appears as 'fire' in nearly all scriptural observations. It interacts with water, being the two major principles of Spiritual life. The old/first deliverance of mankind which led to the first covenant was supported by the fire... the life saving power of God. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at: And the YouTube link to the uploaded video.
Rejecting The Rejectors Pt2 Communion
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 12/1/2025
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 12th January 2025. Part 2 of this topic. Part 1 was delivered on 1st December 2024. There are thousands of claimed ways to enter the kingdom of God, but only one way offers God's evidence of biblically promised signs and wonders. Sadly, these are rejected by most Christians, Jews and Muslims alike. It is not new for 'religious' people to reject signs and wonders. They killed Jesus for the following reasons... jealousy, hatred, pride and ignorance. It is not surprising that all the ruling political and religious leaders of the day rejected Jesus' teaching and miracles... not much has changed today either. Jesus established himself by miracles... not religious arguments or philosophical debate. He also listed the miracles that would establish the true church up until his return. Despite all he did, they murdered him anyway. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at: A MP4 video is available at: A YouTube link to the uploaded video.
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 27/12/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 27th December 2024. One of the greatest causes of the problems we face is that we continually forget (overlook) simple truths. We become so engrossed with short term goals and needs, we tend to overlook far more important long-term requirements. One example of such actions happens very obviously within friendships and marriages. People overlook lifetime opportunities because of momentary disappointments and setbacks... disputes lead to arguments; bitterness sets in, and the relationship can be permanently destroyed. This is also true of those who serve God. We can be momentarily distracted by pressures or problems and before we know it, we stop serving God and his people. We forget the most basic of all truths... prayer, reading, fellowship, serving one another, tithes and offerings, etc. The plan God has for us is put on hold until we are motivated once again to walk in the true light of the gospel. The scriptures repeatedly remind us of such truths. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
Children And God
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 15/12/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 15th December 2024. In many ways, God measures our relationship with him the same way that we should care for our children. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at: And the YouTube link to the uploaded video.
The Rarest Thing In The Universe
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 4/12/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 4th December 2024. Just a few thoughts on the rarest people on earth. They are Christians who have a genuine love of the truth. They are the true overcomers.
Rejecting The Rejectors
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 1/12/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 1st December 2024. There are thousands of claimed ways to enter the kingdom of God, but only one way offers God's evidence of biblically promised signs and wonders. Sadly, these are rejected by most Christians, Jews and Muslims alike. It is not new for 'religious' people to reject signs and wonders. They killed Jesus for the following reasons... jealousy, hatred, pride and ignorance. It is not surprising that all the ruling political and religious leaders of the day rejected Jesus' teaching and miracles... not much has changed today either. Jesus established himself by miracles... not religious arguments or philosophical debate. He also listed the miracles that would establish the true church up until his return. Despite all he did, they murdered him anyway. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at: And the YouTube link to the uploaded video.
Perfection In The Lord
By Mitchell Lever [Brisbane] on the 22/11/2024
Delivered By Mitch Lever on 22nd November 2024. Whether in our everyday lives, or in our relationship with God, we are encouraged to 'do our best'. Interestingly both God and the world have set the standard of perfection for us to achieve. The difference is that God's standard of perfection is achievable and profitable, where the world's standard is unsustained and destructive. Applying the world's standard to our Christian walk is a common, yet potent, restraint of our faith. When we properly understand the benchmark that God has set for humanity our focus becomes redirected away from the impossible standards of the world and towards a lifestyle of continual blessing.
Strengthening The Weak
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 11/11/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 11th November 2024. The Bible is very strong on taking the weak and turning them into something useful. Spiritually speaking we are actually all weak. We would be nothing without the empowering of the Holy Spirit.
Rejecting The Theory Of Evolution
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 3/11/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 3rd November 2024. The following is a simple analysis between the plausibility of God creating our current world with purpose and planning in mind. Alternatively, all of the natural world is meaningless, unplanned randomness, which somehow sees matter and life evolve and appear in incremental stages over a long period of time. * These notes assume God is right despite religious arguments, which may be erroneous to the scriptures. * That Godless evolution requires a complete lack of purpose, design and logical process. If it is to remain valid... everything must be coincidental and without intelligent structure or pattern. The scientific explanation for our world is... something came from nothing. The key assumption of this model is that just before the Big Bang, space filled with an unstable form of energy, whose nature is not yet known (out of nothing). At some instant, this energy was transformed into the fundamental particles from which arose all matter we observe today.. which is scientifically impossible. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
Written In Stone
By Chris Tankey [Brisbane] on the 20/10/2024
Delivered By Chris Tankey on 20th October 2024. When God does something in the Bible, we should consider it carefully. He does nothing without a purpose, and thinking about His actions tells us about His character and nature. One of the most important events in the Bible occurred at Mt Sinai where God called Moses up the mountain and gave him two stone tablets on which He had written some rules for living - they are of course, the Ten Commandments. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
Rejecting 'The' Antichrist Doctrine
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 20/10/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 20th October 2024. This talk follows the talk 'Rejecting The Secret Rapture', where 'the' Rapture, 'the' Great Tribulation and 'the' Antichrist are falsely used. As a result of these errors, the correct understanding of salvation and overcoming are clouded in doctrinal garbage. Factual points to consider... The concept of a secret rapture is totally refuted by clearly defined scripture... see 'rejecting the secret rapture'. Great Tribulation... there is no such thing as 'THE' Great Tribulation.. the word 'the' is not used. Antichrist... neither is 'THE' used with 'Antichrist'... meaning it's not a specific person. 'Antichrist' (antichristos) as a word has a simple meaning... 'anti-' (against or instead of) & -'christ' (the anointed or anointing). It is not a person, but rather a doctrinal attitude towards the anointed or the anointing experience of the Holy Spirit. The worst betrayer of God's gospel comes from within the church itself... not an outward person or group. Spirit filled people who compromise the true gospel and promote a water-down version of salvation that removes the emphasis from the 'anointing' and shifts it to a lesser gospel are 'antichrists'... in simple terms, it is God's own people who are doing the most damage to God's blessings. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
End Time Changes
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 15/10/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 15th October 2024. A few observations about the new Jerusalem and the millennium. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
Rejecting The Secret Rapture
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 13/10/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 13th October 2024. Before we disprove the "secret rapture", let us look at the teaching... 1. The rapture takes place when Jesus suddenly and secretly comes to the earth to gather all "born again" Christians to heaven. Importantly, this occurs without warning or sign -- and literally happen any day now. 2. According to most proponents, the rapture includes both living Christians and those "dead in Christ". A minor view holds that the rapture is only for those Christians alive in the last days. 3. The rapture occurs before the onset of "the" Great Tribulation -- hence, it is often called the pre-Tribulation rapture. Thus, Christians are spared the horrors of the Great Tribulation (this seems to be the motive behind the teaching). 4. Depending on the particular school of thought, "the" Great Tribulation -- described as a time of unprecedented trouble on the entire world -- lasts either three and one half years, or seven years. 5. After "the" Great Tribulation, Jesus will "officially" and visibly return to fight in the great Battle of Armageddon. Factual points to consider... The word 'rapture' {secret or otherwise} is not used in the scripture... the rising of the overcomers at Christ's return is the reference. "Great Tribulation"... there is no such thing as 'THE' Great Tribulation... the word 'the' is not used. "Antichrist"... neither is 'THE' Antichrist a specific person... 'the Antichrist' is not used in Revelations. 'Antichrist' (antichristos) as a word has a simple meaning... 'anti-' (against or instead of) & -christ (the anointed or anointing). It is not a person, but rather a doctrinal attitude towards the anointed or the anointing. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
The Battle Of The Serpents
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 15/9/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 15th September 2024. When God created Adam and Eve, they were created as spiritual beings in physical bodies. The serpent first pretends to offer a greater source of blessing than God, and temps them to believe him rather than God... A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
Building Yourself Up
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 10/9/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 10th September 2024. The revelation from God that we are created for a positive purpose and the fact that he is prepared to reveal these purposes, is the most wonderful knowledge that any human could ever experience. The opportunity to be anointed (enlivened) by God's Spirit and the promise of eternal life almost seems to good to be true. The Bible not only reveals these truths, but also reveals the best way to deal with problems as well. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
A Trilogy Of Parables
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 3/9/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 3rd September 2024. Jesus give us an understanding of what Spiritual truths are, how God sees us, and how he deals with us relative to mercy and forgiveness. The parable of the lost sheep, The parable of the lost coin, and the parable of the lost son.
They Shall Cast Out Devils
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 1/9/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 1st September 2024. We will particularly look at Mark 16 and the 'casting out of devils'... why is casting out devils listed first? Let's see how the word 'devils' is used in scriptures... The Jews had no words for mental illness as we now have today. Many of the 'demon possessions' in the scriptures are mental illnesses and are quite definable by modern medicine (let's not confuse the cause with the solution... God heals and cleanses, and this also includes both spiritual and mental problems). This presentation is not denying the existence of devils and demons as some understand them, but is revealing that there are often other options or explanations for the same event. Not every 'devil' that is healed or cast out is a reference to supernatural possession.
To Walk With Jesus
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 28/8/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 28th August 2024. To walk with Jesus, simply means to follow in his footsteps with the same motivation and intensions that he had. This starts with a personal invitation... A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
Square Watermelons
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 22/8/2024
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 18th August 2024. Every member of the human race is shaped by the culture and the community they live in...every one of them will also die. The bible offers a solution to the problem of death by introducing a spiritual culture that comes with evidence and scriptural support. This dates back for a couple of thousand years. Better is offered. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
By Byron Carragher [Brisbane] on the 14/8/2024
Delivered by Byron Carragher on Sunday 11th August 2024. This talk looks at the example of Joseph in the scriptures relating to adversity and we can draw encouragement from the ups and downs of Joseph's life which can often mirror our own up and down experiences. Daniel and Paul are two other such examples of many in the scriptures that we can draw encouragement from knowing that what we face as adversity is ultimately for God's ultimate plan and purpose.