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Audio files 401 - 420 of 442 for Talk

Cities of Refuge - Part 2

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 3/11/2013

Pastor Brad outlines the parallels between the 'cities of refuge' in the Old Testament and some New Testament parables.

Play count 770+

Cities of Refuge - Part 1

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 20/10/2013

The 'cities of refuge' described in the old testament law, foreshadow the salvation message in the new covenant.

Play count 770+

Hospitality: The Key to Fellowship

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 13/10/2013

It's important to remember the huge emphasis the Bible has on hospitality. Doing things unto others is equivalent to doing them to Jesus Christ.

Play count 800+

Chased After and Being Chased by God

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 6/10/2013

Chasing after goals requires commitment and effort. Ensure your spiritual goals are getting the necessary commitment they require.

Play count 800+

Just How Powerful is God?

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 22/9/2013

The enormous amount of energy found in creation testifies of the unfathomable power of God.

Play count 810+

A Clear Conscience

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 16/9/2013

Having a clear conscience is essential to serving the Lord effectively. There are many traps that people can fall into whereby their conscience becomes tainted unnecessarily.

Play count 820+

A Matter of Influence

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 15/9/2013

The battle for your soul comes down to the choices you make and the influences present in your life

Play count 790+

First World Problems Are Not Something New

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 8/9/2013

Despite the recent popularity of the phrase "First World Problem", the phenomenon actually started way back in the Garden of Eden.

Play count 760+

Mercy Isn't a Sign of Weakness

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 25/8/2013

There is a tendency for some to lean more towards judgement instead of mercy. What do the scriptures say about balancing judgement with mercy?

Play count 850+

Today is the Day of Salvation

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 28/7/2013

Eternal life doesn't mean eternal time, but rather, living outside the constraints of time itself. Don't let being time-poor rob you of being effective for God.

Play count 770+

We Are No Longer Vicitims

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 16/6/2013

There is a tendency for some to consider themselves victims. In God's kingdom you should take responsibility for your own actions, instead of acting as a victim of your own failings, or the failings of others.

Play count 740+

The Sure Mercies of David

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 13/6/2013

Through the death and resurrection of Christ, God was able to give us a new covenant. We have both mercy and grace in this covenant, making it superior to the Law. The mercy God offered David is the same that God offers today.

Play count 760+

Your Choice

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 2/6/2013

Give up milk, and get on to the meat. Make a choice to serve God to your potential.

Play count 730+

The Manifestation of the Spirit

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 26/5/2013

What does the Bible say about the manifestation of the Holy Spirit?

Play count 710+

Common To All

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 14/4/2013

Salvation is not a two-tiered layered system. The Bible talks about a common salvation available to Jews and Gentiles.

Play count 680+

Gods Peace - The Key to Blessing and Joy

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 17/3/2013

The reality is that the world cannot find peace, because the method of peace is beyond most people's thinking. The peace of God is a state of existence that God offers to all.

Play count 170+

Survival of the Fittest

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 10/3/2013

The survival of the fittest is a concept usually applied to biology. However, a similar principle is working on a spirtual level.

Play count 140+

The Price Has Been Paid Regardless

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 3/3/2013

Jesus has paid the price for your salvation, regardless of your prior ideas and beliefs.

Play count 120+

That's Not Fair

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 24/2/2013

Many people make claims about God's behaviour as being 'unfair'. On closer inspection, this is definitely untrue. Understanding God's attitude towards mankind will help you have a better attitude towards others as well.

Play count 180+

Windows of Opportunity Part 2

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 10/2/2013

There are plenty of times when the Lord gives opportunities for blessing... are you open to these windows of opportunity? Part 2 of the series.

Play count 110+
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