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Audio files 41 - 60 of 442 for Talk

Tell Us Something We Don't Know

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 12/7/2023

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 12th July 2023. "Trivia" comes from a roman god of the same name, who was very fond of sprouting random and irrelevant facts. He was named Trivia because he was the god of the intersections of three roads, and that's where he would waylay travellers with his useless knowledge. Three roads, hence the name tri-via, Latin for three roads. Thus, trivia (or trivial) has now become the label used against facts or truths that are considered unimportant or unwanted. 'Tell us something we don't know' is a more recent form of sarcasm used to imply that the line of thought or truth is now out of fashion and not to be discussed... it is implied that it has been exhausted or settled and nothing more can be learned from it. Cancel culture is a much blunter way of silencing people who they don't want to hear (often labelled as hate speech). There are many more ways used by people who simply are not honest enough to face or debate rational facts. God has had to deal with these human deceits from the beginning of creation.

Play count 730+

The Law Of Unintended Consequences

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 9/7/2023

The law of unintended consequences refers to the idea that actions or decisions can have unforeseen and unintended consequences, often in ways that are not immediately apparent. This can occur because complex systems often have multiple interconnected parts, and a change of one part of the system can have ripple effects that are difficult to predict. This is also true for those who reject a relationship with God.

Play count 750+

Salvation Is A Gift Not A Reward

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 2/7/2023

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 2nd July 2023. The human race is able to enjoy all of God's natural and Spiritual creation without charge. Everything we see and love, every person we know and care about, are all created by God as a free demonstration of who he is and what he stands for. He is the giver of life and gifts. Nothing God gives us is able to be earned; it is all a free gift for his creation. Salvation is the greatest gift of God for humanity. It gives us the chance to move away from our human greed and failings and give us eternal life... all free of charge.

Play count 780+

The Bread From Heaven

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 25/6/2023

There are many examples in the scriptures which identify differing relating to the bread from heaven. These notes will focus on one aspect which is clearly detailed and explained in the scriptures. We will continue from the theme "The Threshing Floor", where the concept of separation and purification is also established. One of the primary themes in John's prophecy in Mat 3:11 talks about a covenant change where Christ will make it possible for our worldliness and sins to be permanently cleansed from us.

Play count 700+

The Threshing Floor

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 25/6/2023

The threshing floor in scripture is used as a strong metaphor as a place of separation and revelation. A place where God's harvest is prepared by separating the grain from the useless straw and husk (natural body and its failings)... by threshing (pressure) and the wind (the spirit of truth). The concept of threshing and separation are used to describe God's dealings with men and their future blessings.

Play count 780+

The Need For Simple Directions Pt2

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 20/6/2023

Part 2. The human race is in desperate need of simple and effective directions... Ask the Lord to teach you His ways and to direct your steps according to His Word. Then read His Word often and follow the instructions.

Play count 680+

The Need For Simple Directions Pt1

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 18/6/2023

The human race is in desperate need of simple and effective directions... Ask the Lord to teach you His ways and to direct your steps according to His Word. Then read His Word often and follow the instructions.

Play count 730+


By Pastor Arthur Marshman [Brisbane] on the 12/6/2023

One of the victims of our age is truth. It seems that opinions are more important than facts. Life itself is a search for the truth. God is the author of truth and Jesus came to show us the truth. After he left he sent us the Holy Spirit to guide us in the truth.

Play count 780+

The Power Of The Conscience

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 30/5/2023

Our conscience forms a reaction to ethical, moral and spiritual values and gives us directions for our thoughts and life actions. For Christians our conscience has had an extra element added to it by the input of the Holy Spirit. This not only gives us a far different perspective to life, it also adds a few unwanted confusions between natural and spiritual ideals. These are discussed in this topic.

Play count 800+

Few Shall There Be

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 28/5/2023

The principles of New Testament salvation are already established in the judgements of the Old Testament. In the end, it is always up to the choices that we make and the path we choose.

Play count 790+

The Hope Within You PAM

By Pastor Arthur Marshman [Brisbane] on the 21/5/2023

Summary here

Play count 740+

The Hope Within You PBS

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 21/5/2023

The following thoughts help us to shape ourselves so we can be more effective and recover more quickly from disappointments. God has called us to be a positive testimony of his blessings to humanity; this cannot be done if we misunderstand what is actually being offered to us as Spirit Filled people.

Play count 890+

The Hope Within You NC

By Neil Creek [Brisbane] on the 21/5/2023

The apostle Peter encourages us to always have an answer of the hope within us. On the day of Pentecost, Peter was able to give an answer to the Jewish people who witnessed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. His well constructed answer caused listeners to be "pricked in their hearts" and ask for a way forward.

Play count 680+

Eli And Sons

By Chris Tankey [Brisbane] on the 10/5/2023

Spirit-filled Christians can see, hear and learn spiritual lessons from life. The Philistines in 1Samual chapters 4 to 6, ignored the evidence of God's power and authority in the story of Israel's defeat and loss of the Ark, and learnt nothing from it at all. Israel could have done better too.

Play count 780+

Take Up The Mantle

By Pastor Arthur Marshman [Brisbane] on the 7/5/2023

A famous saying is that we must "pass on the mantle". Few realise that it comes from the bible story of Elisha taking over the ministry from Elijah. Even fewer realise that it was a prophecy of Jesus taking over the mantle from John the Baptist, and he then passed it on to us. As Jesus' disciples, we now carry the of his ministry. Go forth and preach.

Play count 740+

Before And After

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 6/5/2023

The way of the Lord was initially prepared by John the Baptist who identified Jesus and the anointing of the spirit. After the death of Jesus, it was needful that someone would prepare the way of the church and lead them into developing the powers and uses of the Holy Spirit... Paul (Saul) did theat. This talk expands those thoughts and reveals that this is your job now.

Play count 720+

The Priest And The Shepherd Pt2

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 30/4/2023

The bulk of God's complaints about the priests related to their indifference and unscriptural behaviour towards the weak, the poor, and the sinners. God often directs us to observe the actions of a good shepherd, who often has a completely different mindset than the priest. All animals are important to the shepherd. He will make real efforts to save every lamb... particularly the sick and the weak. The good shepherd also refuses to accept the loss of a lamb; he will look till he finds it. The role of the priest should be the same as the shepherd.

Play count 830+

The Hardest Questions Have Easy Answers

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 28/4/2023

If God were to give professing believers a quiz on Christianity, many of us would score well. They would be able to answer "Yes, it's true" to questions as: Did Christ die for your sins? Did He rise from the dead? Is the Holy Spirit essential? Do true believers speak in tongues? Is He coming back to earth? Many of us grow up saying yes to these types of biblical doctrines. But eventually we sense that God is asking us some new questions....

Play count 730+

The Priest And The Shepherd Pt1

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 23/4/2023

The bulk of God's complaints about the priests related to their indifference and unscriptural behaviour towards the weak, the poor, and the sinners. God often directs us to observe the actions of a good shepherd, who often has a completely different mindset than the priest. All animals are important to the shepherd. He will make real efforts to save every lamb... particularly the sick and the weak. The good shepherd also refuses to accept the loss of a lamb; he will look till he finds it. The role of the priest should be the same as the shepherd.

Play count 830+

The Parable Of Lazarus

By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane] on the 11/4/2023

The parable of Lazarus and the rich man contains certain scriptural truths that need to be worked out by comparing spiritual truths with the contents of the parable. The parable contains revelations the being rich is not a guarantee of success with God and being poor doesn't prevent God's great blessing. In the parable the tables are turned with the poor man Lazarus getting God's blessing. Some believe that the references to hell and torment refer to an eternal fiery torture of those who fail, but the parable does not support this view with scriptural truths. Many of the quotes are about the Pharisees beliefs, not the scriptures. It ends with the prophecy of Jesus' death and resurrection and the ongoing denial by the Pharisees of Christ and his power.

Play count 940+
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