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Video 31 - 40 of 128 for Talk

Uncomfortable Truths Pt1

Featuring Brad Smith

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 26th November 2023. When Paul wrote his letter to the Corinthian church, he touched on many things that they were not aware of, or had missed in their prioroties to serve God. Some of God's purposes wre confused with their own ambitions. The following scriptures reveal a variety of scriptural truths that most people may not be aware of... some comfortable and some not so comfortable.

Don't Repair The Curtain

Featuring Brad Smith

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 29th October 2023. The temple curtain separated the Holy Spirit from the people due to their sins. Only the high priest could enter, once a year, for the sins and ongoing blessings of the people. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ gave people the ability to access the holy spirit and its blessings, without the need for separation (the veil was torn in half).

Play count 20+

The Day The Earth Stops

Featuring Brad Smith

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 08th October 2023. In the 1860s, a 'dead line' was a line within or around a prison. Prisoners would be shot for crossing the 'dead line'. However, the sense of a deadline that is most commonly found today ("a date or time before which something must be done") did not begin to see use until the early 20th century. A newer translation has come about in recent history where it has taken another meaning. We are all confronted with deadlines. Bills must be paid, licenses renewed, tax returns filed... the list goes on and on. Despite the different meanings, one deadline is of supreme importance. It is one we all face.

Play count 10+

If It Can Be Destroyed By The Truth, It Should Be! Pt2

Featuring Brad Smith

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 17th September 2023. Part 2. Today, we live in an age of increasing madness where just about any stupidity can be called truth... and people believe them. Lack of integrity and tested truth are obvious to many, but how many dare challenge such foolishness? God already warned the West (the descendants of Abraham) that these troubles were coming.

Play count 10+

If It Can Be Destroyed By The Truth, It Should Be! Pt1

Featuring Brad Smith

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 10th September 2023. Part 1. Today, we live in an age of increasing madness where just about any stupidity can be called truth... and people believe them. Lack of integrity and tested truth are obvious to many, but how many dare challenge such foolishness? God already warned the West (the descendants of Abraham) that these troubles were coming.

Evil Men Waxing

Featuring Neil Creek

Delivered By Neil Creek on 3rd September 2023. The apostle Paul alerted Timothy that evil men will wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. Moving away from God's word is never a plan for success and Paul encourages Timothy and also Titus to hold fast to what they have been taught. We would do well to do the same today.

True Salvation Is Built On Signs

Featuring Pastor Brad Smith

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 27th August 2023. All of the world's great religions are based on historic and established beliefs. Not one of them offers any God powered evidence (observable evidence), of their claims. Not only is true salvation based on signs, most major events in God's creation and his plans for his people have been identified with signs and wonders... it is God's way.

Play count 20+


Featuring Pastor Godfrey Wippon

We, in Brisbane, recently had the privilege of hosting Pastor Godfrey Wippon for a day. He brought us a greeting and a video of the 2022 rally, the 40th anniversity of the Fellowship in Papua New Guinea. Followed by a mini concert. Please enjoy this with us.

Play count 20+

Freed From Condemnation

Featuring Pastor Brad Smith

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 13th August 2023. The human race needs to know the facts about God's salvation and the positive effect that flows from it. The clarity and assurance of forgiveness needs to be the primary understanding for the church. The role of the priest has always been one of clear and precise intercession on behalf of the person they are dealing with. It was God's intention that people would confess, offer a sacrifice and leave the temple with a clear understanding of forgiveness. Too many times, the doctrinal or economic corruption of the priesthood left people uncertain about their spiritual status. We can help others avoid the same problem by having a clear understanding of how forgiveness and New Testament salvation works.

Play count 10+

The Fields Are Already White To Harvest

Featuring Pastor Brad Smith

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 6th August 2023. When Jesus spoke of the fields being white unto harvest, he was using a natural agricultural reality to describe a natural truth. It is rather easy to work out when wheat is ready to harvest... the tops of the grain turn a whitish colour. Jesus then related to the spiritual harvest; the saving of souls. Firstly we have to look up, or turn Godward or we won't gain an increase. It is God that pricks the hearts and prepares people to understand scriptural blessing. We share our testimony and experience and they have their chance... But it is always their choice.

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